AMD parked cores?

Canadian Ace

Oct 18, 2014
So this isn't a new topic, but It is definitely new problem. I know Intel has a habit of parking their cores, and I know there are tools and registry edits you can do.. I've tried them all, including disabling my bios power saving options, enabling high performance, installing a hotfix from microsoft, setting minimum and maximum processor speed to 100% but My task manager still shows my CPU having almost all 8 cores parked! Using an fx 8350 and will attach a photo. Wondering if maybe that's why I'm getting low frames in some open world games?

Open world games tend to perform poorly across the board. Windows will automatically park and unpark cores when necessary.

Perhaps.. But from what I've read windows does a poor job of core parking, and It's never shown them parked in my task manager before. Only after upgrading from an fx 6100 to the fx 8350, and it seems like the 8350 is performing the same as my 6100.

Windows does an excellent job of managing power consumption and core status. Upgrading from an FX-6100 to an FX-8350 won't yield much of a performance increase in certain concurrency limited scenarios. Replace that with an Intel microprocessor and see what happens.

Well I can't afford an i7 and a new motherboard, would I be better off returning my 8350 and buying the newest athlon x4 860k? it's only 4 cores, but there are only a few games that use 8 cores, most of which are multiplayer which I don't play... I'm using 2 7870's crossfired though, and although people say the 8350 doesn't bottleneck them, it seems to. I haven't gotten an increase in frames in any game with them crossfired yet so..

basically would the athlon x4 860k bottleneck 2 7870's?
know of any games that I could test 2 7870's on where I would notice a difference?