AMD phenom ii 965 heavy duty cooler


Jan 29, 2014
Hello every one. My setup is :
gpu : Gtx 560 ti Gigabyte
cpu: Amd Phenom 2 x4 965 3.4 ghz
mobo: Asus m5a97
4gb of ram
and silentium pc brutus 410

And here is my problem. Without oc i get temp for 100% cpu stress like 58-63 celcius. Donno why but the most viable option is that i got hot in room and my pc stands like 30cm from radiator ,but this is only place in my room where pc can stand). I got stock cooler and thermal grease arctic silver. I want to oc my cpu to 3,8 or 4,0 ghz but i kinda cant cuz of temps. What cooler can you recomend for me (i think whis must be kinda haevy duty cuz if i now get this high temps , after oc this would be even much higer) to make my phenom colder?

Yes there is a huge difference, AMD's stock coolers are terrible. I have the 212 Evo and yes 1 fan is enough because 2 fans is a waste for air cooling. I get around 40c idle and 55c max load with a 500mhz overclock over stock which is great
So in your opinion 212 Evo will be enough ? There is such a big difference between stock and this cooler? Btw will 1 fan be enough or i should buy 1 more (if yes witch one)

Yes there is a huge difference, AMD's stock coolers are terrible. I have the 212 Evo and yes 1 fan is enough because 2 fans is a waste for air cooling. I get around 40c idle and 55c max load with a 500mhz overclock over stock which is great