AMD Phenom II X4 B97


Jul 30, 2017
Idk if there is a thread for this question because i didnt find it...
I was looking at pc`s in a country near to me(Serbia)
i found one with and AMD Phenom II X4 B97 and gtx 660 for 200euros.
I was wondering if i could stream some games like gta sa,csgo,and other not so damanding games?
the cpu is overclocked at 3.6ghz.
and sorry for my bad english its not my native language.
Yes I know man;
I have secondary PC with Core 2 Quad q9550, 5GB RAM... and it isnt worth more than 100ish euros and it is already better than that PC you found.
I think you sould aim for similar setup, and find some cheaper GPU like HD7870 or R9 270(x). Which are close to gtx 660 but cheaper by 20 Euros.
Also, 1 question, did you find that PC for 200 Euros like only CPU and GPU without motherboard,ram,psu,hdd ?

i just need a good fcking pc up to 250euros u know how hard it is in Balkan xd hello from Bosnia xd
Yes I know man;
I have secondary PC with Core 2 Quad q9550, 5GB RAM... and it isnt worth more than 100ish euros and it is already better than that PC you found.
I think you sould aim for similar setup, and find some cheaper GPU like HD7870 or R9 270(x). Which are close to gtx 660 but cheaper by 20 Euros.
Also, 1 question, did you find that PC for 200 Euros like only CPU and GPU without motherboard,ram,psu,hdd ?

No it has all of the things i can link it if u want becuase ur serbian its on kupujemprodajem