Hey guys im getting the AMD A10-5800K Trinity 3.8GHz (4.2GHz Turbo) Socket FM2 100W Quad-Core Desktop APU (CPU + GPU) with DirectX 11 Graphic AMD Radeon HD 7660D AD580KWOHJBOX (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113280) From newegg. I want to pair it with another GPU but I have no clue what to go with sense the CPU has a good one built in. Im going to be playing and live streaming BF3 on ultra (playing 1080P Streaming in 720) With 8 GB RAM. So anyways my main question is do I need a Expensive GPU or can I go with a lower end card and still pull off what I want? (Sorry bit of a noob with building computers this is my first build)