
Oct 11, 2013
hi all, yesterday i was cleaning my pc from dust so i opened my case and cleaned it from any dust i got out my graphics card cleaned it and putted it back and then black screen NO SIGNAL INPUT on the hdmi port so i was thinking that maybe my pcie port on the motherboard got some pins out,
so i switched to my old amd radeon 6570 hd and it works perfectly fine, the amd r9 390 3 fans are working fine + the led no noises, so i was thinking that this my psu i opened my SeaSonic 850W 80+ Bronze M12II-850 and i saw white thing that got off the capacitor, so i closed it and then turned on the pc got out the sata cables fans and disc that i dont need and then the pc not turned on its turned on for 3 sec and then off,
i was getting out some cables out of my psu modular cables i got out my long mb and the pc starting to work ,the cpu not ,the graphics on ,no signal input, so i had some an old psu 600 watt i putted my r9 into my pc putted the 8 + 8 pins in but still no picture on screen no signal input i dont have any clue what is the problem there.thanks for the helpers.

the pc boot with the amd radeon hd 6570 with 600watt psu perfectly fine but with the amd r9 390 850watt psu not working at all the long mb not working but my question is if that is a damage in my gpu or psu :{ i cant get picture on my screen when i plugged the psu with 600 watt with r9 390

with the amd r9 390 no screen no boot with the 850 psu my pc turned on for 3 sec and then shut down immediatly
but with amd hd 6570 600watt psu the pc works fine

system spec

i7 3770 non k 3.90 ghz

amd r9 390 nitro black plate 8gigs

16 gigs of ram

psu SeaSonic 850W 80+ Bronze M12II-850

motherboard h61m-d2-b3

windows 7 64bit
I am having trouble thinking of stuff to try maybe wiping the 390 pcie connecting plate blow the fan around a little re-seat it a couple of times try slowly looking at anything you might of touched on the motherboard as well as the gpu and wish you the best of luck

still not working , the 3 gpu fans are working + led ,when pc boot no beep sound like before , i dont have any picture on my screen, the screen goes completly black when the screen is not detecting any pic its says no signal input .

update: i heard the windows 7 sound and then putted the password and it logged me in but no picture on screen
Does the 6950 power on screen with the 850w PSU? No? Yes? How consistent is it powering it on?
Second question. Did you ground yourself properly when you took apart your rig? (meaning, did you use a ground mat or strap or leave the power cord in).
Third question do you use a UPS unit?
I'm trying to reduce the number the possible suspects.

I had a UPS unit take out my PSU and 390x recently so I went through a whole learning curve and spent a lot of cash. Yes. It was a nightmare. In the aftermath, I bought a new PSU, UPS unit and 390. Uugh.

3 years ago, I had a faulty PSU take out my HD7950, motherboard and cpu. I did all the precautions and still ate the crow.