AMD R9 390x Drivers Not Installing


Jan 16, 2016
I just built a new PC. Trying to get the graphics card drivers and AMD drivers installed, and nothing seems to be working.

I tried download install from AMD, disk install (via external hard drive, which seemed like it installed, but the MSI Live Update doesn't seem to be supported).

Monitor is currently plugged into motherboard because plugging it into graphics card gives me a black screen. the graphics card has light, so it's getting power, but I don't know what the problem is.

I did attempt to use Driver Fusion to remove Intel and then install AMD in its place, but that went back to the same problem.

I dunno, anyone got any ideas on what to do?

Set windows to not install anything when it detect new hardware. Use Driver Fusion/ DDU to remove any old drivers. Install the card and try it again and see if you get a display with the graphic card's display outputs.

The chances of a DOA is very low.

This is incorrect,

OP I would contact the reseller either newegg, amazon whomever you got it from for a return.

No. You have to run it from your graphic card to fully use the card.

He doesn't even get a display from the card. The OS has basic drivers when you install new Graphics cards that at least allow the Video to output video. He gets no output, there is something wrong with either his Motherboard or The Graphics card. Since the new Graphics card is the newest element in this equation I think he got a DOA.

As I have said, I am getting ablack display. I have tried connecting my monitor to my GPU, and I am getting a black screen with no signal, so I am forced to reconnect to the motherboard to do anything.

Set windows to not install anything when it detect new hardware. Use Driver Fusion/ DDU to remove any old drivers. Install the card and try it again and see if you get a display with the graphic card's display outputs.

The chances of a DOA is very low.