AMD Radeon 4800 not working


Jul 21, 2014
I have just fresh installed Windows 7. When I have my Radeon graphics card in, the computer won't boot. It shows nothing on the screen and I am guessing that I need a driver but the autodetect needs me to have the GPU installed. So there's the problem.

Thanks in advance
Why are you trying to use video cards from 2 companies? That will cause all kinds of problems.

Take the ATI card out. The GTX 750 will drive multiple monitors.

It might be possible in WIndows 10 to use both cards at the same time. But I have seen nothing yet that says this is working. And again that is something new that *might* work in Windows 10. As long as you are running Windows 7, use just the GTX 750.

The GTX 750 is not in this build. This one has a very weak nvidia card and I am trying to replace it with the AMD so that I can run more than one monitor. The problem is that when I have the AMD in, the computer won't boot so I can't install the drivers.

I actually just got it working by installing the nvidia then powering down and adding the AMD. Thanks for your help though!