Amd Radeon Hd 5570 cooler upgade


Dec 10, 2017
I want to boost performance of my gpu when it comes to gaming.I have a Gigabyte Radeon Hd 5570 1gb and i am planning to overclock it to max because i currently have no money to buy a new gpu for gaming. So i searched and found out that it improves performance,but also heats more. That means that i need better cooler for gpu to keep it cooled down.So should i strip a Intel/Amd fan from heatsing,strip a fan from gpu,and place the cpu fan on a gpu heatsink? Will Intel i5 stock cooler be enough to cool it down? A lot of people say that cpu coolers are preety strong to cool down something.
Thanks in andvance.
HD5570 is a low wattage card at 39W. However, the CPU cooler in question, particularly on Intel, will vary with the TDP of the chip. Buy yes, your average AMD or Intel stock cooler will be a better GPU cooler then the stock GPU heatsink on a card like that.

I would say whatever free performance boost you can get in overclocking is about all you can hope for. Otherwise you will be spending time and effort on something that could be replaced with relative ease. You say you don't have money for a new GPU, but you can get many cards faster then the 5570 for under $25.

I suggest you start shopping the used market, use this as a guide:,4388.html
All the cooling in the world won't turn a HD5570 with only 1GB of VRAM into anything remotely competitive with current-generation entry-level GPUs like the RX560 or GT1030.

Instead of burning money on trying to make the HD5570 slightly better and risk ruining it in the process, I'd recommend saving until you can actually afford something decent like a GTX1050.
HD5570 is a low wattage card at 39W. However, the CPU cooler in question, particularly on Intel, will vary with the TDP of the chip. Buy yes, your average AMD or Intel stock cooler will be a better GPU cooler then the stock GPU heatsink on a card like that.

I would say whatever free performance boost you can get in overclocking is about all you can hope for. Otherwise you will be spending time and effort on something that could be replaced with relative ease. You say you don't have money for a new GPU, but you can get many cards faster then the 5570 for under $25.

I suggest you start shopping the used market, use this as a guide:,4388.html
But that is the only way i can improve my hd 5570.I can't buy new gpu because i am on a very tight budget.And for only very little money i can't buy really that much powerful. Gt 1030 or rx 550/560 is pretty high money for me.I can't find any good gpu for that little money in my country.So will i5 stock cooler and overclock make it better?I really don't have too much money for new one.Intel cooler is for like 65W-95W cpu.Actually, stock cooler is for i5 4590.
Those are new GPUs, so yes, very powerful compared to yours, and very expensive.

You could easily buy a very cheap GPU that is much faster then the 5570.

You could spend that money on an Intel cooler, or if you already have one, sell that cooler towards half the price of a replacement GPU.

HD7750 for as low as $20 shipped, GTS450 for around $30, I mean there are many options that will result in better performance than overclocking an HD5570. Closer to $40 and things start opening up into the recent cards. You might have to get lucky on some ebay bidding.

I think I sold my HD6670 for $35 shipped, nearly a year ago.

If you have a box fan or larger fan you could just take the cover off the side of the case and blow colder air into the case to keep everything cool however the only downside is that you'll get dust into the system quicker so you'll need to clean it out more often. Then save for something like the GT 1030.
Do you have access to any used computer stores? You might even be able to pick up some used quadros or firepros that are better for very little money.

Obsolescence on the low end GPUs is nearly instantaneous, which is my only recommendation against buying them. Great for the used market. The GT1030 and RX550 are quite a cut above previous generation hardware, which is another reason they command such high prices.

If you put a little effort into asking here on Tom's classifieds, or something like, you might find someone willing to sell you a GPU on the cheap.

I basically paid someone to take my HD6670. I think shipping was like $12.
I strongly suggest you NOT to change the cooler, you won't get almost any performance gain (for today's games) and you will spend money you can save to proper upgrade your GPU. Also you can ruin your 5570 by doing this cooler exchange, as they aren't compatible (you can use zip ties or wires to properly seat the heatsink).
As the other users suggested, check the used market for cheap powerful GPUs.

Best Regards