AMD Radeon HD 5770 600mhz limit?


Dec 8, 2014
Hello. I have a problem.
When i go to my amd capitalist control center, i see that the gpu is limited to 600mhz even if my clock is set to 865mhz
I don't think my cpu is the problem simply because it's an amd phenom 8450 triple core and it works perfectly.
Anyone know the fix?
Velcome. You have problem. You install capatalist control. This bad. Communist Control Center much better. Join us in a glorious revolution. In capitalist control center, you have CPU man taking all of the mhz's. Dis "CPU" is just cover up. It really "CEO." CEO hold all of dis power. If you want rest of computer to use this power, it must be share. Communist Control Center will over through this "CPU" and implement communist rule over PC. This will result in a shared mhz's economy. It will work better.
Velcome. You have problem. You install capatalist control. This bad. Communist Control Center much better. Join us in a glorious revolution. In capitalist control center, you have CPU man taking all of the mhz's. Dis "CPU" is just cover up. It really "CEO." CEO hold all of dis power. If you want rest of computer to use this power, it must be share. Communist Control Center will over through this "CPU" and implement communist rule over PC. This will result in a shared mhz's economy. It will work better.
^^ hahah.

Are you sure it's actually limited to 600mhz? Capitalist control center has a tendency to do some weird things. And by tendency I mean it's pretty much always doing something weird. I just disable it completely and use other programs to control clock, fan, monitoring..etc. Download GPU-Z and see what it says your clock speeds are.

Comrad, would it be a good idea to get a Intel iRUSHB 4770CYKA?

Though, photon, it says there as a power limit. I mean like when i overclock there is no difference at all first by first and second, like seriously, it lags in CS 1.6. A 17 YEAR OLD GAME