AMD Radeon HD 7850 or CCC causes crashes


Jan 15, 2014
My specs are :
Windows 7 Ultimate X64
CPU: AMD FX-6100 Six-Core Processor
RAM: 2X Kingston 4096 MB DDR3
Motherboard: ASRock 970 Extreme4
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7850
(almost 1 year old pc and 6 months old gpc)
and I have AMD Catalyst Control Center version 13.9
(I need AMD CCC because I have 2 screens and without it the same image is on both screens)
Three months ago my PC started to do strange things: From time to time I could see lines on both my screens. They were there just for a split second and i thought that I am just seeing things.
After about two weeks, when I tried to play MineCraft (MC) for more than 60-70 minutes I got lines all over my screen and I could not do a thing and had to turn off my pc from the powerbutton.
This happened only with MC at first, Assassin`s Creed 3 was working just fine whit everything on max, but after a while I got the same problem with youtube videos as well and AC 3 + other games. This happened once a day for a month since it started. I tried to look for solutions, but nothing worked:
For minecraft I reinstalled java and cleaned the CPU and GPU . When the videos were not working I saw an error: Display driver has crashed ,but it recovered (or something like that) so I uninstalled the CCC with driversweeper and reinstalled the latest CCC. It got better for a week, but than it came back.It was not that bothering (one restart once a day) so I left it like that.After another two weeks it got worse than befor. It started to happen 6-7 times a day so I tried again to reinstall CCC but I got the message: AMD CCC could not install correctly. When I pressed the "View log" button, nothing opened and I could not check what happened. When I restarted my PC I got the error "MOM.Implementation". I found out that maybe there was a .NET problem so I reinstalled Windows with SP1 and reinstalled all drivers.
Everything was ok except MC where I had under 40 FPS almost all the time, but there were no lines and no restarts needed so i was ok with it for three weeks. Now the lines came back and I had to restart my pc twice today...
Is CCC or the GPU causing the crashes ?
And how can I get MC back to good FPS ?

The lines are vertical and on my whole screen surface until i restart when I can`t do nothing and horizontal and on a small surface (1-5 lines) for split second when it is about to crash.
When I restart my pc after a crash, i get more lines and it is more likely to crash again in the next minutes if i play a game or watch a video.
This is the only PC in my house so I can`t try to do that now, but I will try it in my friend`s PC tomorrow.
But if it is the card, why did it got better when I reinstalled windows ?
Well, I tried to find a PC to put my gpu in it, but for some reason all their power supplies did not have a socket for my gpu and my PS could not connect to their motherboard (I tried 4 pc).
The good part is that since i put my gpu back, I did`t have any problem related to what i had until now(lets see for how long)
The bad part is that now, my mouse enters in standby mode from time to time (it still gets power for the background lights, but the on lights turn off and I can`t move the cursor for 2-3 seconds)