AMD is innovative releasing next generation cards that barely perform on the level of a gtx 580, a card that is nearly 1.5 years old. the HD 7970s is a piece of garbage i got one to update from a gtx 560 448 core classified, and the results were very disappointed lower FPS in starcraft 2 and skyrim and a ton of crashes to go along with it ( THOSE LOVELY AMD DRIVERS). AMD will always be second best and trash, i returned the HD 7970 i got and picked up at second gtx 560 448 core classy for SLI. I will either pick up a 680 or 690 upon release. I gave AMD, a shot and they are complete trash, AMD fanboys are dellusional if they think ANY of the AMD 7xxx series is even close to next generation quality. GOOD JOB AMD you did what nvidia did over a year ago. the trash they sell is over price ridiculously, people who buy this garbage will get a rude awaking when kepler dongs all over this trash