AMD Radeon R9 290X Crossfire PSU requirements


Dec 15, 2014
Hello guys! I want to know if it is possible to run 2 ASUS R9 290X Matrix Platinum in crossfire with a 850W psu. The PSU is Silverpower SP-SS850 w and it has been running my overclocked 3770k and 2 670's for 2 years now.

Is it possible to run to 290x's in CF with this PSU? I can get them for a very cheap price so im pretty tempted.

Best regards Grollman
Here is Guru3D's power supply recommendation:

AMD Radeon R9 290X - On your average system the card requires you to have a 550~600 Watt power supply unit.
AMD Radeon R9 290X Crossfire - On your average system the cards require you to have a 800 Watt power supply unit as minimum.

PSU Requirement for a single 290x:Radeon R9-290X - 33A and a 600W psu minimum

Your PSU has 70 amps on the 12V rail so it should be fine.

Okay I see, I am also running my i7 3770k on 4.5ghz. Vcore is on 1.21 though, not so high. So it is completely sure that it will work? I mean, the matrix platinums might need some extra power or am i wrong? I hope i am

Hmm ok, well I hope that everything works the way I want it to.

Thanks for the help so far!