AMD Radeon RX 580 Similar GPU

Agreed, though prices on the GTX1060 and GTX1070 have also gone up slightly recently. Not crazy like the AMD cards though.

GTX1060 6GB basically trades blows with the RX-580.

The MOST I'd spend is $300USD for this Asus Strix model:

A single-fan EVGA model costs $270 (may be rebates) but as long as the Strix fits I'd get that instead. Those three fans will keep the frequency maintained better, possibly overclock slightly higher, and will be quieter.
Agreed, though prices on the GTX1060 and GTX1070 have also gone up slightly recently. Not crazy like the AMD cards though.

GTX1060 6GB basically trades blows with the RX-580.

The MOST I'd spend is $300USD for this Asus Strix model:

A single-fan EVGA model costs $270 (may be rebates) but as long as the Strix fits I'd get that instead. Those three fans will keep the frequency maintained better, possibly overclock slightly higher, and will be quieter.
I've been watching the resurgence of the crytpocurrrency mining. We had a reprieve from the GPU "gold rush" for several years as miners found out that they could build or buy small ASIC machines that saved big bucks on power bills yet still did the job of older PC GPUs. Well that changed with the latest generation of GPUs. Cryptocurrency is here to stay, love it or hate it (I hate it). We'll be facing this rush again with Nvidia's Volta and AMD's Vega. We PC gamers hate it, but it is good for the GPU manufactures and card vendors moving products and production - helps for a future for PCs.

I don't think mining will continue to be a thing forever, and even this phase may end in a few months. The money has to come from somewhere (where do you think it comes from?), and also specialized machines will be created just like last time with the ASIC machines which should make PC hardware insufficient to offset the electricity cost.

I'm not sure it helps the future of PC's really. Again, it will go in phases and at most should account for an uptick in GPU card sales when it's profitable. Even then, those will FLOOD the market on EBay when people don't need them anymore so overall may not make a huge difference in PC sales.

It IS good for resellers for sure, but probably not good for AMD as people buying new cards will choose NVidia instead if AMD's cards cost too much, though I don't know how much the cheap cards on EBay affect the overall AMD user base. Apparently AMD's user base shrunk in the last phase (2013?).

If cryptocurrency is going to stay around long-term it's going to need better stability and regulation which in turn should eliminate the ability to create money with mining.

I think there's a real chance many countries will end up banning it anyway because it's very useful for criminal transactions.

things are getting crazy even on nvidia side. some people able to sell their 1070 (used) for $500.

the benefit is short term. but long term it might create other issue for GPU maker. we already see this directly with bitcoin back in 2013-2014 period. when the craze finally over the used market was flooded with radeon GPU. i still remember it was affecting AMD quite significantly that they have to directly mention mining as a primary reason the sales are declining quite sharply in one of their earnings.