[citation][nom]Pinhedd[/nom]This is a device that can render images received over TCP/IP on its own without the need of a host computer at the display point. The nature of high bandwidth digital signals such as DVI/HDMI/DisplayPort makes them useless for long distance transmission.[/citation]
You do still need a host computer at the end point, hence my dumb terminal comment. Without a computer at the end, how would you get the dipslay to the monitor, and control the input? Their have been many studies done showing that the hardware and software setup to implement PCoIP or VDI give less RoI than traditional desktop systems, and have performance on par with using a terminal service connection.
I stand by my comment, that this is a solution looking for a problem. Why would you need this? Instead of quoting the obvious, help me see outside my box, I seriously cannot find a reason why anyone would need this.