OK, so I have a PowerColor Devil R9 390x which I had previously used MSI Afterburner to OC flawlessly. Yesterday, I downloaded the new AMD update, which comes with Wattman, it's own built-in overclocker. It seems to crash a lot more than when using Afterburner and EVERY SINGLE TIME that it crashed, the memory gets locked to 150MHz, where it stays there until I roll back the AMD driver, and it gets unlocked again.
It's getting pretty annoying, as even when not using Wattman and a game crashes/gets stuck, it automatically assumes GPU error and resets the settings and locks it to 150MHz for not reason.
Is there any way to completely disable Wattman or something? This is getting on my nerves.
It's getting pretty annoying, as even when not using Wattman and a game crashes/gets stuck, it automatically assumes GPU error and resets the settings and locks it to 150MHz for not reason.
Is there any way to completely disable Wattman or something? This is getting on my nerves.