AMD Rounds Out Polaris Offerings With RX 470, RX 460 GPUs

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That 460 needs to be better than 750Ti in every aspect to success. Including but not limited to pricing and dimension and also its power profile needs to be so robust that it can still run on crappy PSU. Just like the 750 did.

Should that happen then this tiny card will became some serious consideration for cybercafe business. Especially for MOBA games. Particularly in SEA, you'd see a lot of gaming cybercafe like these running sub $100 GPU for that purpose. Things like HD4670, HD5570, HD6670, HD7730 are very popular and still used to this day.

I believe it's not just SEA either, I've seen many owner of such business also doing about the same thing. Cheap yet capable enough of a GPU to barely run the game.

It was something that GTX950 also addresses yet fail to deliver because of its pricing. It was also the reason why the GTX750 non Ti sold so well. It's also one of the reason why Steam survey has a lots of people still at 1366x768.

It's a big market, I tell you. If anyone had any idea how big it is I believe it's AMD.
I like the naming. Very simple. I never really liked the 385x. Pretty much special binning's of the same chip with marginal performance increase. Still waiting on Vega news.
Given the Xbox Scorpio was announced with more than R9 390X levels of performance, even the newly announced RX 480 will be for soon to be PC medium settings at 1080p30.
I wouldn't expect anything below a 490X to have HBM2. These low price GPU's don't have any room in the price for it. I'd expect the 490 to get GDDR5x, 490X, and Fury(X) successors to have HBM2.

It will be interesting to see the real benchmarks for these cards. If the 480 performs as rumored, it will hollow out all but fanboy and used cards sales of the nVidia 970 and below and R9 390 and below. Should be a HUGE pricing shift for the last gen.
This is great news for the majority of budget restrained consumers! Usually low-end cards come later but nope, it is great to see these coming out. If they released the RX 460 for $100, that would be csome insane value and trump the 750Ti. Nvidia's 740/750/750 Ti are not going to keep up if they don't release new low-end products.

Must depend on yields or something because nVidia launched Maxwell with the 750 Ti.

Agreed. HBM2 + interposer adds a lot of cost, and the bandwidth is only needed on the highest performing models. Especially since Polaris has lossless delta compression at LEAST as good as Tonga. So for all current Polaris models, GDDR5/X is plenty good. Vega will take advantage of HBM2.

Haha wishful thinking! If such a card was released it would be priced closer to two 480s. Which frankly still wouldn't be bad. 8GB x 2 would be the way to go if they did build such an animal.
But but... RX 490? Vega...? I can't wait any longer. I am not in the market for a "budget" card! I understand many are but... damn this non-stop waiting game!

I also have few friends also questions the same thing. While new arch certainly a good news, but the lack of $300 class GPU from AMD seems quite disheartening for these people. And for good reason.

The GTX1070 will own and dictates these upper segment for quite a while from now on. Since by now AMD has made it very clear that Polaris are not meant to be priced as a high end parts. And I don't think the full chip for Apple would be significantly faster than the 480 either. Spec gaps between it, is just not so much. Suppose they also release it to PC, I don't think that performance level would be regarded as $300 by AMD's own standard at this point. Heck, judging by the spec alone, it might not even be higher than $250. So it would be pointless.
Since traditionally and more often than not, a $250 cards from AMD came from a cut down $300.

In retrospect, this might have few bad side effects. Since the majority of less informed people only care about who got the fastest stuff and they go from there. I mean, look at what nVidia did with GTX960.

Having the most of value on a product doesn't mean anything without proper publication. AMD needs to nail it properly for it to be succeed.
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