AMD RX 580 8GB not detected by BIOS and Windows


Jan 6, 2018
I have a big problem with my system. I just bought and AMD RX 580 8GB Sapphire Nitro+ and I can't install it.
When I plug it in the motherboard and PSU (with both 6 pin and 8 pin) the GPU led start, the fans too but the Video Card is not detected neither in BIOS or WINDOWS.
Also I have to mention that I have tried the card on other computer and it worked and also on this system I tried to install a Nvidia GTX 760 and it also worked perfectly.

My system is:
- Asus Prime Z270-A motherboard

P.S: I tried to push the card in the PCI about 10 times, I think I placed it properly. Also I have updated bios to the latest version.

You 100% certain the card was inserted fully ??

You've tried that card in another system & another card in your system with success so the issue doesn't make sense really.

The only other thing I can think of is that your psu has an extra 8 pin atx connector.

You sure you didn't plug that in by mistake instead of the 8 pin pci express??

You've tried both pci-express slots ??

I connected with the same PSU VGA 8 pin and 6 pin cable both of the cards. The Nvidia worked but the AMD not.
At what pci-e do you refer? On my motherboard I have 7 and I have tried all of them. Also I am not 100% sure I inserted it fully but I didn't seen the pin after I inserted it and I have tried about 10-15 times without any success.

I have the same issue. I have done everything let alone rolling back to windows 7 or 8.. I am now waiting for online windows agent to help me.. I was told by 1 person that it was a recent update on win 10 and to roll it back and that fixed his issue.. But here is the weird thing.. I bought a used sapphire nitro EXACT same model 8gb etc.. The used one will work on my comp and hits 33mh on mining. The others when they did work for a day before trying stuff would only go to 22.6 now rolling back update so ATI Win flash would open led to another issue of now they wont even get recognized by windows. before I attempted to roll back update they at least worked. Then frustrated about not being able to over clock them I tried more updates and that just made the issue worse
So what I had to do after doing a live chat bla bla.. I downloaded the Win10_1709_English_x64.iso
from Microsoft, then used the windows 7 usb/dvd download tool and made bootable usb and re installed win 10 from the iso image listed above this takes you back to where you could actually open atiwinflash and bios mod/flash the new
cards, as the new update would not let you open your atflash.exe and even force flashing bios it said it took effect but never did, but never had an issue pre update. So after you re install from that ISO image.. turn off your auto updates asap. Then do
the bios mods and flashes on your cards
DDU to uninstall old drivers ( I would suggest not restarting just yet )
Reinstall new AMD driver
Run pixel patcher
Restart then make sure that at this point you change your bios features on re boot to allow over 4g for mining and change your display device to your IGC or integrated card usually this is under advanced tab.
restart, wait for screen to pop up then see your cards are now good to go with new drivers loaded, take a deep breathe then thank me by sending me 10000000 BTC to my address of.. Iwishsomeonewouldactuallydothatcuzthenicouldstopworking and then smile and stop pulling out da hair. 😛