AMD Ryzen 5 1600 or Ryzen 3 2200G


Dec 28, 2018
I'm trying to decide between a R5 1600 (R$620 ~ U$160) or a cheaper R3 2200G (R$500 ~ U$130), mostly for gaming. (I will be using a dedicated GPU)

From some videos I saw that the 1600 is better at most games but the GPU will be a 1050 or 1050ti so it won't matter much I guess.

I'd also like to use some IDE's like Visual Studio and Eclipse. Would the extra cores/threads from the 1600 have much impact on that and on daily usage like using internet browser/downloads and gaming at the same time?

Ps.:Here (in Brazil) an i3 8100 is more expensive than the Ryzen 1600, so I guess intel cpu's are out of question. The prices in USD are just aproximated so most readers can understant, I won't buy from outside of Brazil because of importation taxes.

I'm just using a website that lists prices from reliable stores since I won't buy the cpu used, i'ts Zoom.
I haven't yet decided exactly which parts since I will start buying mid January I will keep digging for better prices 'til that.

I'll probably get a Asus Prime a320 because I won't overclock, if thats too bad I will get cheapest b350.
I'm also planning on a single 8GB stick for a few weeks so I can get another one later.

I'll use an EVGA 430W that I already own and also keep my old hdd until I sell my current CPU, mobo and ram.