AMD Ryzen 5 1600 temperatures. Idle and load.


Mar 22, 2017

I recently build a PC having Ryzen 5 1600 + stock cooler. I overclocked it at 3.7Ghz @ 1.25v.

In idle temperatures sits arround 40-50c and sometimes arround 35-40c. I did a test with AIDA64 and here is the result:

Also in games such as Battlefield 1 the temps are arround 70-75c, sometimes i see a peak of 78c. Am i ok with it ? AMD says the max temperature for this CPU is 95c. But i want to know what temperatures people are getting with their R5 1600 + stock cooler.
I remember AMD saying that 75c is safe for constant use so you should be fine with that, though lower temps wouldn't hurt.
the cheapest thing you could do is swap the stock thermal paste for something better like arctic mx-4. The stock cooler installation can also leave a lot of airbubbles on the first time (happened to me) which can cause your thermals to be worse than they should.
Your oc is fine. Temps are okay too. You might want to upgrade the cooler at some point but no rush. Ryzens stock cooler is a lot better than every stock cooler before it. You could try to lower your voltage a bit and reduce temps if you wish
Those temps are totally fine, exactly what I would expect, and what I experienced with my 1600 and stock cooler at 3.7 GHz. That's the fastest OC I recommend with the stock cooler. I was hitting 82C with it at 3.8, so I installed a new cooler and dropped it back down to 72C when playing BF1. Honestly if you're only seeing 73C with everything turned on in AIDA64, that's pretty solid.

If you want to stick with 3.7, everything is looking good. But if you want to go higher than that I would recommend a beefier cooler.

I was playing Battlefield 1 at 1440p or 2k resolution upscale(I don't remember well) and I my PC restarted and refused to boot at 3.7@1.25v. So I went down to 3.65Ghz@1.2375v and max temps were: 65c in Battlefield 1, 63c in GTA V at 2k resolution. My question for you is what motherboard do you have and how did you handled the voltages? Did you changed CPU NB voltage?
i've got a 1600 also witht stock cooler and got it OC'ed up to 3.9 Ghz wihtout going above the 65C, of course the fan will be at max, IDK, maybe i was just lucky with the chip or you weren't lucky with yours but those temps are a little high , have you tride adjusting the fan curve?
I remember AMD saying that 75c is safe for constant use so you should be fine with that, though lower temps wouldn't hurt.
the cheapest thing you could do is swap the stock thermal paste for something better like arctic mx-4. The stock cooler installation can also leave a lot of airbubbles on the first time (happened to me) which can cause your thermals to be worse than they should.
I've noticed with my AMD stock cooler that if your rear exhaust fan is at high RPM's it can literally "steal" airflow away from the stock cooler causing your temps to rise... Do some testing with the fan at normal and at full speed to see the difference...