News AMD Ryzen 5 5600X Stock Tracker — Where to Buy AMD's 6-Core CPU

PC case gear here in Australia has had them in stock consistently, as have other PC stores, not sure why people buy everything through amazon and other big chains when real computer stores generally give better service and fewer hassles. Don't you have dedicated computer stores in the US any more?
Good Luck trying to find 5600x, Amazon $439.99/$429.99 scalper price "Forget about It" Newegg $380.99/$485.99 Scalper price "Forget about It" Only place you MIGHT have luck is B&H, I had one last night ready to buy in my cart, I waited for their Shabbat count down to be over, I hit purchase with my paypal, and in literally 1 sec. it was gone!, It's kinda like when your at a store shopping with your store cart have the item (cpu) in your cart, in line READY to pay and some scalper with a bot program snatches it right out of your cart, very unfair, and I refuse to pay more than $299.99, 324.74 with tax free shipping, and for a micro center there is none in my city, so I'm SOoL. At this point I'm ready to buy a 3700x @ $329.99.
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PC case gear here in Australia has had them in stock consistently, as have other PC stores, not sure why people buy everything through amazon and other big chains when real computer stores generally give better service and fewer hassles. Don't you have dedicated computer stores in the US any more?

Microcenter is about as close as it gets, for that, in the US. There isn't many of them though.
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That's really sad. In Oz we have heaps, just add a dot com dot au to any of the following: pccasegear, mwave, umart, msy, pcdiy, i-tech, centrecom, megabuy, jw, cplonline, auspcmarket, techbuy, scorptec, computeralliance, skycomp and the list goes on. I haven't checked, but at least some of those must do overseas shipping...