Anandtech and Tom’s tend to be the most reliable for testing. @tripleX nobody said they were retesting, just that they are trying to find out why they are off.
Personally I don’t think they’ “wrong”, just more idillic. Anyone can put together a rig that favours the strength of one family or disfavoured a family.
Honestly, as a blatant and unrepentive AMD user and fan, I’m willing to go on a limb and say the reality is probably somewhere between T’s and A’s findings. What I think we’re seeing is opposite ends of a single spectrum. And as I’ve stated multiple Ryzen posts before, Intel has real competition. It started with the 9590 fx which in ideal setups and uses could out pace the matching intel panicle cpu at the time.
AMD has always been the tortoise of CPUs, choosing low cost and stability over grand jumps, nay, leaps. I never went with AMD for price OR ability, but rather STABILITY! I’ve never had an AMD simply choke and die with no warning. Nor burst into flames. nor become so unstable as to disrupt my system under normal use. All things intel chips have done to me.
As for my non game benchmark comment, I’m looking at more mainstream reviews such as Z and T nets and the like, who claim there’s no need to test that stuff since game tests prove everything else. This review and Anandtec show unequivocal proof that games and compression are very different uses.
Since I’m not playing the latest games, or any game, at 4K or 8k or 16k or whatever; that doesn’t really make a difference, unless the same processor is good for everything else I do. I still enjoy firing up doom (like dos box DooM) or Blood and blasting pixels. Call of war in the battle of the field looks nice but it’s just not my thing. GTA 4/5 look nice but they’re no vice city from an immersive standpoint.
And I digress: my point across the board is thanks for the honest review, and I’m happy that maybe I’ll be able to put around in some newer games too, but I’m overjoyed that my platform of choice is competitive in every category again. First time in 20-some years.