News AMD Ryzen 7 5700G: Zen 3 May Finally Be Coming To Desktop APUs

The need to get off Vega graphics for the apus, its getting rather old and outdated.

To be fair, AMD upgraded Vega for Zen 2 CPU's and it ended up being on par with Navi performance and efficiency-wise.
However, I do agree that with RDNA 2, AMD is better off to switch over to that for the iGP... still, I think that because of its later introduction, I think they opted to stick with enhanced Vega instead for Zen 3.
I think we will see RDNA 2 (or 3) based APU's starting with Zen 4.
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AMD already has an 8 core Zen 3 APU with navi graphics. Multiple variants actually in the PS5 and Xbox XS.
It seems like it would be a waste of engineering resources to go back and redesign their new mid/high end APU with ultra-low-end Vega graphics.
And it would be especially a bummer when it could easily be another year for mainstream priced current-gen GPUs to launch and actually become available.

With availability and pricing the way it is, AMD has a real opportunity to totally dominate low to midrange gaming this year if they can get the graphics performance high enough to tide people over until an upgrade path to a new $150 - $300 GPU ... Exists.
Plus the AMD executive who kept rebadging GCN cards for like 8 years got poached by Intel (weirdly not for their CPUs) so there is hope that AMD's GPU team might actually start making smart decisions again.
Vega is not bad as an iGPU - it sucked when being clocked up, but considering that the main limit of an iGPU is shared RAM, sticking with it may be needed for price and performance. RDNA2 needs a big cache to work properly, which is OK when you have as much room on the die as you need. Here though, not so much.
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Yep Vega is very good apu gpu!
Anything better would make apus too expensive. Most people look for sub $100 apus and you have to cut even Vega down a lot to get the price there!
Something as powerfull as PS5 would cost $1500 the cpu alone... nobody woul buy those...
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Yep Vega is very good apu gpu!
Anything better would make apus too expensive. Most people look for sub $100 apus and you have to cut even Vega down a lot to get the price there!
Something as powerfull as PS5 would cost $1500 the cpu alone... nobody woul buy those...
$1500? The whole xbox series x is $499 and PS5 399$. How only cpu can cost more than this, by more I mean 4x the price of PS5?
Consoles Are sold at lost. Normal pc hardware They want to get Profit. Amd wants to have 50% Profit. Above that expensive to move, storage. Then middle hands want to get Profit. So the total price can be easily 3 to 4 times of the production costs...
Ofcourse my estimation was pure ques, but I Expect that it can be even too Little...
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If it is coming with the same (rather pathetic) sub-GT1030-level performing graphics of the 4000-series APUs, I am not holding out much hope for folks fantasizing about doing any real gaming at 1080P without need for a discrete GPU...(perhaps in 3 more years an APU can equal a GTX1050's performance...(although a GTX1060 would be preferable!)

(Might do OK for folks who do not really need a GPU, however....unless it is priced with more than a $100 of what a no-integrated-graphics equivalent CPU costs, I'd suspect only the misinformed would buy it)
In reality ddr5 will see the rice of next level apus... The problem is the risk, if people would buy those.
If someone want to have real gaming speed, they use "real" gpu. Asus did annouce amd gaming apu with 8 core cpu and nvidia 1650 gpu... It tells a lot. Ofcourse there were others using 3070 and 3080.
Making really fast expensive apu, with big gpu part would mean more defected chips, increased price and worse speed that you would get by using separate gpu. People have talked about hbm memory apus... those would be even more expensive. It does not compute economically. But ddr5 will help situation. We still don´t get very fast gaming apu, but sothing that can run low setting games at desent speed and maybe not break you bank... when the ddr5 will be cheaper aka 3 to 4 years from now.
Most possible solution would be "chiplet" design where cpu is one chiplet and gpu another in the same socket... But even that would not be cheap and as versatile as separate cpu gpu combination. So I expect about douple the current speed in integrated apu that is about as small as we have now in 4 to 5 years from now. Not much more, nor much sooner. Small uplifts in the meanwhile ofcourse.
What do you mean by this?

Exactly what I wrote.
AMD upgraded Vega architecture when they made Zen 2 which made that 'improved Vega' on par with Navi/RDNA 1 in performance and efficiency.
RDNA 2 is the newest uArch from AMD (RX 6800, 6800XT and 6900 gpu's) which has 50% more performance per watt compared to 'improved Vega' and 'Navi/RDNA 1'.