AMD RYZEN HELP! (Ryzen 1400)


Dec 5, 2014
Help me please, my AMD Ryzen 1400 Quad core 8 Thread is showing up in my task manager that I have 2 cores and 4 threads. It should say 4 cores and 8 threads. What should i do? 🙁

Motherboard is a B350M GAMING PRO
Go to BIOS and check if there is core listing. You should see 4, see if you can enable them if any of them is disabled. Also try to uncheck number of processors in boot menu, reboot and tell me what happens :)
MSI B350 Pro

Corsair 3200 MGHZ ram that i can't even get to 3200mghz. I had to pull out a battery on my mobo just to reset the settings.. but even before that it was saying only 2 cores and 4 threads were available.
All new parts besides GPU
GPU is a Radeon HD 7950
Power supply EVGA 650 watt bronze