AMD Sampling Fusion 'Llano' Chips to Customers

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I’ll call it value PCs and netbooks, but the Bobcat technology and other technologies that we have in house are appropriate for lower power envelopes [and products like] pads.

did you forget an i as in ipads in that sentence? Hinting at something by chance?
Otacon, AMD is releasing a new 6 core processor that in priced at 4core i7 level.

This Llano stuff is HUGE, it is news. It can be a game changer for the chip market. The majority of the market is not high end, its low end and low power. If Llano works as it should AMD can grab a HUGE piece of the notebook and low end desktop market.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom] I can't remember when AMD came close to touching intel's CPUs.[/citation]

You must have a faulty memory.
AMD FTW!! I'm both excited and worried about this new design. Is the GPU onboard going to be comparable to the one on the i3's? DX11 won't mean much if thats the case...
[citation][nom]rambo117[/nom]AMD FTW!! I'm both excited and worried about this new design. Is the GPU onboard going to be comparable to the one on the i3's? DX11 won't mean much if thats the case...[/citation]

Huh? The i3's don't have any GPU built into them
[citation][nom]rambo117[/nom]AMD FTW!! I'm both excited and worried about this new design. Is the GPU onboard going to be comparable to the one on the i3's? DX11 won't mean much if thats the case...[/citation]

I have seen it said that it will be ~HD5600's or HD5500's.
Intel has money to loose AMD does not. I believe it is a new direction they bin working on for some time now. i think you could use this chip for more then one system. desktop, server, mobile most people dont need the power to run photoshope on their mobile pc. The floating point is high and would be great if they could take the knowledge and add it to servers. It think it is good idea and only the first so my expectations are not high but at least their thinking. when you want to stay a float your forced to think of better ways of doing things for cheaper. i know i could loose 2 second in performance for cost value. I dont expect the chip to last a life time as it will be replaced anyways in 5 years be old by then. he said pad not ipad because their will be note pads coming out, short form i guess. i would not go head to head with intel, beat them were their not focused.
[citation][nom]sinfulpotato[/nom]The majority of the market is not high end, its low end and low power. If Llano works as it should AMD can grab a HUGE piece of the notebook and low end desktop market.[/citation]

As an upper-to-high end builder (4.3GHz E8400 overclocked rig and building an i930 rig next shooting for a 4.5GHz overclock), I don't care what or where the "majority" of the market is.

With that said, good for AMD and keep it up. Without them, we wouldn't have the i3/i5/i7 right now.
[citation][nom]dreamer77dd[/nom]blah blah blah[/citation]

I really hope English isn't your first language because that whole comment was painful to read.
People who are saying that this is "late" to the party. Its not, intels CPUs with GPUs are just pasted together (Think C2D + Glue stick = C2Q).

The Llano is a single chip. Where the GPU and the CPU have a direct line of communication. Which in theory, makes it very quick for a low power integrated GPU.

It also seems this has caught Apples attention, because they seem to loathe Intels integrated GPU, but are forced to use it for the i5 and i7.
[citation][nom]10tacle[/nom]As an upper-to-high end builder (4.3GHz E8400 overclocked rig and building an i930 rig next shooting for a 4.5GHz overclock), I don't care what or where the "majority" of the market is. With that said, good for AMD and keep it up. Without them, we wouldn't have the i3/i5/i7 right now.[/citation]

I'm sure AMD looks at your post and says "Fascinating, but we do."
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Since I obviously have a faulty memory please enlighten me as to which AMD CPU has come close to touching anything of Intel's since say Core 2 Duo came out in '07. I wasn't bashing AMD I just want more competition. The ones who gave me thumbs down obviously can't comprehend English.[/citation]

Way to narrow the playing field to post C2D to save your ass.
Fusion is the reason AMD bought ATI 4 years ago. We finally get to see this amazing product! The market is eventually going to this(CPU/Video) so AMD is way ahead of the game. Intel or Nvidia won't have anything close to this product. I predict AMD will get half the notebook market & over half the low end desktop market. The only way Nvidia or Intel could compete would be for Nvidia to get bought by Intel. It would take at least a couple of years before they(Nvidia/Intel)had a competive product. Also for the people that say AMD is abanding the high end market- Bulldozer core is around the corner. The last time AMD had a radically new CPU(the athlon)they had the superior CPU for the next 5 years. History tends to repeat itself. Only this time Intel can't use anticompetitive practices to hold their marketshare.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Then I hope it does well against Intel's Core i7. Kind of boring seeing Intel's chips take the first 10+ spots in benchamarks all the time. Intel is competing against itself at this point.[/citation]

I'm going take a guess that those chips make up less then 5% of Intel's Sales. I'm sure that AMD could give two shits, they want to grab the mainstream. Always take what will sub-stain you first, the go for the more "optional" stuff such as high end.

And yes, until AMD grabs a decent piece of the mainstream and starts branching to "high end" you will pay a huge Booty-rape-tax to intel.
[citation][nom]otacon72[/nom]Then I hope it does well against Intel's Core i7. Kind of boring seeing Intel's chips take the first 10+ spots in benchamarks all the time. Intel is competing against itself at this point.[/citation]

It's near impossible for the average user (including gamers) to max out a Phenom II x4/Core 2 Quad. Why would they need to compete in the (small) market of rich enthusiasts.
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