AMD Sapphire R9 380 Voltage is stuck with 1212 milivolts, Cannot add additional Voltage to the Card. anybody kind enough to


Oct 6, 2016
Hey guys any one kind enough to help?.
i have an old but still reliable Sapphire R9 380 Nitro card 4 gig. We were able to push it to 1100/1500 with +20% limit and stock voltage of 1212mv with AfterBurner. so we want to push it more but we can't . The MSI AB is not able to adjust voltage. (its stuck with 1212 mili volts maxed out default slider) (allowed in settings also added EULA),
GPU tweak also can not manage voltage. Trixx is able to adjust voltage but the software is not working... When we set anything in trixx, press apply, we can see the oc has changed, but in after a few seconds it changes back to stock. We reinstalled drivers (newest, older, also driver ONLY), newest Trixx version, older Trixx version, nothing helped. Is there any way how to adjust the voltage in this GPU??
i saw youtube videos of amd R9 380 cards overclocked with 1.3 milivolts, they can adjust the voltage in AB.
im using latest amd driver - adrenaline 18.9.1

i hope someone can help us with a legit trustworthy solution

thank you guys! God bless!
I found that Trixx does not play well with WattMan.
Either use WattMan on its own (but no additional Vcore is allowed) or uninstall WattMan/drivers with DDU (so remove everything) and use Trixx with only the Radeon display driver re-installed.
Question from OverclockDaddy : "AMD Sapphire R9 380 Voltage is stuck with 1212 milivolts, Cannot add additional Voltage to the Card. anybody kind enough to"


@Bro yup Trixx does not play well with wattman , Do you think this a driver issue with amd? because in older amd drivers i think 17.7.1 the voltages can be adjusted in ABurner or Amd locked overclocking with these R9 tonga pro cards?

any more solutions bro? i checked all over the net and cant find a solution

yup bro i tried what you said earlier , uninstall Wattman and installed trixx and the current amd drivers only, but it still reverts the overclock back when i run kombustor, unigine and 3d mark to stock clocks....

its reading 1212milivolts in MSI AB voltage slider