AMD shutdown BSOD


Dec 31, 2007
I have a work colleague who owns a K6III 450, upgraded recently with WinMe, all goes fine in use. Until that is he reaches shutdown time, whereby the PC gets to it is now safe blah blah blah... and the BSOD appears.
I know that the mobo bios has not been updated, I believe all other drivers though are up to date.
I also know of a fast shutdown issue patch for eide drives, however is there any system patches for the AMD based systems, or are we going to have to start with updating the bios?
The system works perfectly in Win98SE.
Hey, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with this prob, however it seems that nobody knows the answer. Are you using an Nvidia geforce card? I updated the drivers to 6.31 detonators and I tried the other Nvidia drivers as well, same prob. It turns out that ME doesn't like the "official Nvidia drivers". Thats my oppinion anyhow because the original (Yuk!) Geforce2MX drivers work fine without a hitch, but I sacrafice performance in opengl. 🙁

Hopefully we'll get a response here. 😉
It is the NVidia drivers and WinME. Try versions higher than 6.31. Try 6.35 or 6.47, they solved my BSOD problems. No they are not official but they work great. If you can't find them, let me know.
Go over to the microsoft update site. There's a patch for fast computers and WinME (I'm assuming this is the problem you're experiencing, not video card drivers). During shutdown, the drives (hard drives) don't always flush the cache properly. This patch creates a delay during shutdown (2 seconds) that gives the system enough time to save info from the cache.
Thanks thats cool, I have the patch installed on my PC, but, and here it comes, does anyone know the URL for the corporate address of M$ to download the individual patches for installing at a later date, say after a format. I did once know, but lost the info after buggering around on my M/c. Serves me right I know, but how can I help my mate? he's the one that needs the info...
Where can I find the beta drivers for nVidia Det3? I'm REALLY starting to get pissed off with the IE freezes and shutdown BSOD's. Thanks.