AMD Six 6-Core FX 6300 for gaming?


Nov 27, 2014
I am looking at purchasing a new gaming PC. I have found one with the following specs:

- AMD Six 6-Core FX 6300 3.5GHZ CPU,
- 8GB ddr3 1600mhz ram
- 1TB HDD 5600rpm
- Nvidia GTX 970

I understand the GPU is the fundamental part of a gaming PC, but, I was wondering whether the lower spec CPU will bottle neck it or not perform well in games. Any help is appreciated!
The GPU wont be bottlenecked AFAIK, if it gets some OC'ing on the ranges of 4.0Ghz or more. You can PM me if you want to know how that rig performs, as I own the same specs :)
Depends on what games you play. On older games or lower end modern games, it'll perform alright. It shouldnt bottleneck the GTX 970 THAT much but there is much to be desired.

If you're into overclocking, I'd recommend getting an aftermarket cooler and overclocking it so it can catch up with the GPU. That way, you can get more FPS.