News AMD to Buy Xilinx for $35 Billion

Congratulations AMD.

To sell solutions in the data center, selling the best CPUs is no longer enough. You need smart NICs to carry data over 100, 200, 400 GbE interconnect. You need plenty of AI/DL/ML co-processors for heavy load compute. You need to be able to offload tasks from the CPU to other components (e.g. GPU/Compute cards talking directly between each other without bothering the CPU).

Intel has good enough CPUs, good enough smart NICs and good enough AI/DL/ML hardware.

NVidia has excellent AI/DL/ML hardware (specialized GPUs), excellent smart NICs (they bought Mellanox) and hopes to acquire ARM for making their own CPUs.

AMD has the best CPUs (as of this writing) , good enough GPUs (and maybe excellent ones by tomorrow). Xilinx bring the FPGA and co-processor business and expertise to complete the set.

The Data Center wars for the next 5 to 10 years is going to be very interesting to follow.
Can somebody explain to me where AMD is getting the 35 billion dollars worth of stock to buy Xilinx? Does AMD own its shared valued at least 35 billion, or is AMD going to issue brand new shared valued at 35 billion?