AMD Vishera FX-8350, Eight-Core or intel i7 4770

The intels are better at gaming, however while the fx 8320 is $99, it may be a wiser choice if you are budget bound. Investing the cash difference in a GPU will be much better. 4770k + GTX760 < FX8320 + GTX780.
It just depends on price and performance. GPU is way more important. People keep talking about cpu bottleneck and i7 being better or 8350 being better (really theres no BETTER as they are both differnet cpu's at different prices built for different applications!) but heres one for you! I have a lowly fx-6300 and dropping the res and details on BF4 leads to a 170fps limit, tomb raider to more than 200fps and so on. So either an i5/i7 or 8350 is going to be a great choice.

make your decision based on price/performance but just keep in mind that AM3+ is getting a little long in the tooth and won't have any upgrade paths for mobo's ect!

And can we please stop with this "8350... just no or i7 just no... crap its delusional. It's not a competition, basically if your an intel fan buy an intel, if you wan't to support AMD, buy AMD. Both are fantastic cpu's. Just because you don't like either company's product doesn't give everyone the right to instantly dismiss the others product.

PC gamers with tight budget go for AMD while PC gamers with a lot of budget go for Intel. Why console(Xbox one/ps 4) used AMD chips? Because these companies want so save on the harwares for mass production. More savings more revenues. More revenues more income for Sony and Microsoft.