AMD vs Intel build... which to get for gaming


Jan 4, 2014

this is my first build for gaming and i want to get the most out of it with this budget so tell me which setup should i use

1) I5 4440
gtx 760 OC Gigabyte
GA-z87x HD3 gigabyte
8 gig ram


2) AMD 8320
GTX 770 (i dont want the r9 280 cuz it a reference cooler)
970 gigabyte
8 gig ram

my budget is between 700 - 800$ and i dont really want to overclock

fromwhat i researched i understood that even though the amd build is much more powerful... the fact is that i have to discard the MOBO and CPU much earlier that the Intel build AND that the the 8320 uses more power and lacks technology of that of an Intel build.

tell me which one you prefer and why 😀


Go for the amd not only get a better gpu but also 8 threads in the will soon be supported by all games because the new consoles use 8 threads....will beat the intel build easily on the long run....your power concern wont matter if you dont want to overclock the processor...go for a 600w corsair gs psu....and i would yet prefer the r9 can also water cool it later because of this reference cooler...
Go for the amd not only get a better gpu but also 8 threads in the will soon be supported by all games because the new consoles use 8 threads....will beat the intel build easily on the long run....your power concern wont matter if you dont want to overclock the processor...go for a 600w corsair gs psu....and i would yet prefer the r9 can also water cool it later because of this reference cooler...

And how does the fact that the consoles have 8 cores affect PC game dev vision?
Why would they suddenly use more thread than needed?

Well if your engine can use 8 threads on a console why not do it on a pc look a bf4 its uesing the 8 cores on a amd fx 8xxx very good and is way better at more then 4 core use then bf3. Also if devs want to do a lazy port it will make it better on amd.

Is it a competetion?
Which game can use the most threads?
No, a game dev are normally always trying to make their games playable for the most, meaning using the resources the standard player have. And the standard player still have less than 4 threads to work with.
Consoles have a very weak CPU, and have a different API and it's easier for dev to work with as all players have the same spec.


True but the optimalisation for 8 core cpu's is in the engine so an 8 core will benfit from it. I never said that it won't run good on a quad core or so and yes its true most people don't own a 8 core but that will change like it always did.
guys i see what your saying and i even saw that Mantle is coming out that will optimize the 8 cores but isn't intels CPU's a bit more technological advanced and efficient? to be honest im a little cautious of AMD

Well your amd rig will have a better video card and for the cpu part intel is more energy efficient true and has better performance per core but amd has better multi core performance and there stock heatsink is deacent because intel chip get pretty hot in comparison to amd.

For one, AMD only is better in multithreaded performance when the application only use a constant predictive integer instructions.
A I7(even some i5s) will destroy any current FX processor in everything else-
Intels CPUs can withstand a lot more heat, 100 Celsius while AMD only can withstand 62 C so of course you will see a temperature difference between those two.
AMDs chips draw much more power and really aren't all that good, not even the 8-core. An i7 4-core beats it in everything, encoding, games, you name it.

Optimising a game engine for 8 cores on a console doesn't automatically make it work in a 8-core PC. Different coding languages, limitations and specs. Those optimizations will have to be rewritten/recoded. And what happens when you have to optimize for both AMD and Intel and all the other hardware differences in gamers computers? You get generalization. With a console YOU KNOW what you have. With PCs, YOU DON'T. Does it have 8 gigs of ram? Who knows, maybe not. Does the hardware have that feature that would make your code so fast? Who knows. And you don't have the rest of your life on you to code that engine.

Sounds about right.
People always seems to forget the best code is the most functional code and efficient code.

when a game dev tries to make his game playable for most, he will certainly add 8 thread compatibility...and the fact that consoles use 8 threads will lead to an optimized game engine which can be used for pcs too...devs will want to break the 4 thread figure soon so their games can perform better....

If only that was true.
The fact that the consoles have 8 threads have little to no impact on PC games.
Why would the break the 4 thread figure when they havent even broken the 2 thread?
Fact stance, we are far from seen games which fully utilize 8 threads.