AMD vs Intel CPU differences in gaming/performance


Dec 9, 2012
I am not very smart about this , but i want to be so here is my question - what are the real differences vs Amd and Intel CPU ? Can someone explain this to me ? What should i look up when searching between amd/intel ?
Is there a real performance differences in these two ? Thank you !
There is a real performance difference. Shortest answer I can give you; Intel is better.

AMD looks better on paper but due to their architecture Intel always wins for the same price. I read a review a while back comparing AMD to Intel for given price ranges (50-100, 150-200...etc) and the closing statement was this; "Amazingly, given our results we honestly can not recommend a single AMD CPU over Intel at any price range". I'll try to post a link if I find it.

For a low budget: grab an i3 or Pentium G860
Medium/low budget: this might be the only place I would consider a Phenom II, but personally, I'd still get an i3 lol
Medium: low range i5
Medium/high: i5 3570K for epic overclocking
High budget: Intel i7 3770K :)
Retarded budget: Intel i7 Black Edition 3970X
I am not going to get anything , I just wanted to be smart! I think this was helpfull, and from now i know what i will advice to my friends when they will need help :)
I see you got the hight budged CPU
By the way i never heard of the last one intel i7 Black Edition 3970X Is it uber good or what ?

Yeah supposedly it's uber good, I've never actually used one though. Although for gaming I think it is actually relatively similar to the 3770K with an OC, just a bit more powerful. I always wonder if it's really worth it to pay $1000+ for it when you could get the 3770K for $600 less... I just don't know if the performance diff is legitimate enough... Idk lol I could be wrong.
the difference is that intel cpu's do more per clock cycle than amd. which over all means they get more done in the same period of time. its partly to do with better material choices, smaller dye size, more transistors per inch but most of all better over all basic design. which leads to higher efficiency per clock.
intel were also more vigorous in there approach to R&D when amd stole a lead in the days of pentium vs athlon. intel litrally went back to the drawing board and slowly but surely wound amd back in. then overtook them with a huge leap when core 2 duo hit the market. smaller dies with better instruction sets ment the cpus ran more efficiently and cooler allowing more over-clock ability. since then amd have been playing catch up.

it has been a hard road for amd there fx series chips have a major design flaw in that there is no o.s that can use the architecture efficiently so any perceived advantage seen on paper never materialized into real world performance. which has resulted in layoffs and amd's withdrawal from the desktop cpu market competition. this is bad news for the end user in 2 ways,
1) that intel no longer have any major competition so they themselves have seemingly decided to stop the LGA socket design which in turn means less choice for the consumer from both amd and intel.
2) less choice for the consumer means higher over all prices with less innovation for the money you pay.

Well it's a mobile CPU for laptops, Ivy bridge 2 cores with hyper threading so four threads... 2.5GHz base clock 3.1 turbo....
I'd say it's probably quite good for a laptop.
Yay thx xD Now i feel much better xD I got laptop ordered and is heading to me!
Intel i5 3210M , GeForce 635M , 4GB ram expanding into 8
Sounds somewhat similar to my MacBook (I use bootcamp for Windows 7 gaming).
I've got a i7 640M (first generation dual core) and a GT 330M with 8 gigs of ram @ 1067MHz. So your CPU and GPU are both a good bit faster (eventho yours is an i5, it's 3rd gen and has the same dual core with HT as my i7, and it's clocked faster) and the GT 635M is defenitely faster than a GT 330M. As for the ram I'd assume yours is also faster clock speed, most likely 1333MHz.

Sounds like a good laptop, mine can play Skyrim on medium with an avg 45fps so I'd think you could play it at medium with a few settings at high like grass draw distance, AA and AF, and possibly shadows.
That is if you even like/play Skyrim lol.

Actually from most review I have read on paper (as In synthetic and gaming benchmark comparisons) INtel always wins.

However Depends if you are talking on Laptop or Desktop segment.

For the laptop (This is a fact)
I own AMD A8 with Ati Mobility radeon (6xxx) cannot remember exact model
Friend owes an i7 with Nvidia GTX optimus 6xx series (Much more expensive I might add).
I can play Skyrim MAXED OUT at around 27-30 FPS (Small lag here and there).
He cannot even get close!!
He wants to sell his laptop and will never buy Intel.....
If you are using your laptop for video editing etc Intel is the way......For gaming you made the wrong choice I am afraid....

On desktop
My brother has an i5 first gen 850 CPU paired with an Nvidia GTX560
I have the latest AMD FX-8350 (latest and fastest AMD CPU) paired with AMD 7870....
Most other specs are very similar (Same OS, same RAM, same PSU, same HDD, same resolution).

Even though his i5 is 2 generations behind I beat him fair and square in EVERY GAME....He cannot even max out Skyrim.....

I know I am outnumbered in this forum - but the AMDs are not as bad as everyone makes them out to be.....the FX 8350 can be found around $200.....and you can build a great gaming rig with it for less than $600......

These are both My experiences as I have used and compared BOTH Intel and AMD.....Those who have had intel their whole lives are ought to reconsider.....and stop believing all the hype.....just a (rather long) thought....


Most of us 'believing' all the hype and defending Intel also have experience with both, and there is a reason we throw our vote to Intel every time...

There is no way an A8 will EVER come close to an i7, or even an i5, there is defenitely something else going on there.
And the reason you beat his i5 with your FX8 is becuase of your GPU, not CPU.

You, my friend, are the one who I think needs to do a little research and reconsider. Intel is most definitely the best gaming CPUs.

EDIT: also comparing game performance to defend a CPU and listing the graphics as NVIDIA 6xx and Radeon 6xxx basically makes your argument completely irrelevant hahah. GPU is the dominant component in games, comparing fps does not have a whole lot to do with CPUs.

correct, you cannot compare cpu performance when it comes to needing to utilize a GPU to do a benchmark or frame rate test to get performance differences between the CPU's.

I have used AMD since the athlon series, had a P4 prior to that and currently on a Phenom II 955BE, never had any need to upgrade since i see no issue with anything i use and/or game with a hd6950. but if i do end up upgrading in the near future i am for sure going to be getting intel for my main rig.

I however am looking at building a slim line media PC for the TV on the main floor, and plan on going with a trinity AMD chip, most likely a A10. This way i have a APU system that runs on low power but can be overclocked if needed and can play recent games and play HD videos for a lower cost than slapping together a CPU GPU combo.

so really it all depends on preference and what is readily available at the time of your build. personally anything other the slim media/light gaming PC's i would choose intel hands down.

EDIT - also about the dumping of the LGA socket, intel spoke about it and they said they have no plans on getting rid of it at this time and it will stay in intels roadmap until further notice
it entirely depends on what you intend to use it for. for heavy stuff like rendering, converting, video editing and such, then yes intel processors have a large advantage over AMD CPUs. however, for gaming (especially on a budget) AMD and intel are pretty similar. For example, my FX6300 will perform(generally) better in games than an i3-3220 at a similar price bracket. on single threaded games/applications however, the intel will beat pretty much all AMD processors hands down. On a core for core basis, intel ALWAYS wins. AMD tries to compensate by adding 4/6/8 cores where intel have 2 to try and even out the playing field. Just bear in mind that for gaming, the CPU is not the most critical component which ultimately decides performance; its the GPU. So pairing a weaker AMD cpu with a strong GPU is likely to outperform a more expensive Intel with a weaker GPU if on a strict budget.
Just my two cents' worth.