AMD vs. Nvidia cards

Jun 12, 2018
A few months ago, I built my first PC using a GTX1070 and Windows 10. This, as I found out, may have been a mistake. Now, I am aware of the rocky history of Nvidia drivers and Win10, specifically that all of my games crash randomly.

I have friends that run AMD cards and have never had this problem, so I was wondering if AMD sometimes has the same stability issues with Win10 as Nvidia. Can anyone enlighten me? Is the crashing mostly an issue with Nvidia stuff?

Before anyone asks; yes, I have tried using DDU and installing straight from Nvidia's site.
Win 10 + GTX1080 user here.
My system has been ROCK STABLE for two years roughly outside of the occasional issue that may have been due to Windows 10 updates. I've tested well over 100 games.

No issues at all for months.

*I'd say your issue is most likely SOFTWARE corruption which may have been caused by bad DDR3/4 memory. So before you go further run MEMTEST86

a) create the USB stick
b) boot to stick (go into BIOS to select it if needed)
c) don't touch settings just let run and watch until either ERRORS (then stop) or a FULL PASS has finished in which case the memory sticks are likely fine.

If still stumped I'd probably then:
a) test HDD/SSD's in system
b) if spare drive then add it, unhook all OTHER HDD/SSD devices and reinstall W10 just to test.

Otherwise I'd plan carefully for a clean install of Windows.

It could be some other issue like a physically bad GTX1070 too bad we need to step through the troubleshooting.

*you can also try using another card or the iGPU (remove GTX1070 then) to see if system is stable. That doesn't prove it's the card though as it could still be software but it may help narrow things down.
If you have loaded the drivers directly from nvidia, your problem probably lies elsewhere.
On occasion, Microsoft pushes out an update that replaces your good driver with something it thinks is current, causing problems.
Probably best to set windows to not update any drivers.

So far as I know driver stability between amd and nvidia is equal.

What is the make/model of your psu?
If you have a poor quality psu or an underpowered one, that can cause graphics related problems.
Today, one difference between nvidia and amd cards is that amd usually needs 75w more power for equivalent performance.

game crashes are often because of the need for a game patch.
In your case, with failures across many games, that is not a likely cause.

Are you overclocking your card??

Can you run a graphics oriented stress test to exercise the graphics card, independent of a game?
I just wanted to know if people have the same problems with AMD cards

Here are my Specs
Geforce GTX 1070 Hybrid Gaming card
Asus ROG Strix x470-i mb
AMD Ryzen 5 2600 processor
Cooler Master MasterLiquid Lite ML120L cooler
G.Skill Tridentz 16gb ram
Corsair Sf600 PSU
Win10 home 64 bit

I already did checks on my sdds, and if its only games crashing I dont see how it could be the psu.
Graphics cards are the major power draw, and that draw gets increased with high load on the psu.
Hence the thought that the psu is a suspect.

If you can, test with a known good psu.

Under load, a gpu will get hot.
What are your gpu temperatures under load?
A gpu will be unstable if the temperature is excessive.
Is it possible that there is some problem with the hybrid cooler?

What is your case and fan arrangement?
Are both radiators getting plenty of fresh air to be able to do the job?
ive been using nvidia for years and had no issues
not sure about current radeons...but back than when it used to be still ati brand ive had ati 1600xt used to be fine...then they released driver which boosted performance on ps3.0 and since than any driver was crashing...device reseting, next was radeon hd 3850....same driver issues, then hd 6850 that one had an extra black screen within few minutes of gaming...that was my last ati
as for nvidia: gt6600, gtx6800,gtx7800, 2xgtx9800+(sli),gtx680,gtx770,gtx1060 never had any sort of crash comming from gpu
forgot about 7600gs (my last agp card)
GPU and CPU both should throttle down due to temperatures.

Having said that when I OVERCLOCKED my GTX1080 it crashed in Witcher 3 but not some other games. That wasn't temperature. Not saying temperature can't be a factor though but if it's under 80degC probably not.

*So another solution would be to drop both the GPU and VRAM frequency to say 90% of what it is now and see if things become stable. Or if you overclocked go back to the default settings for everything including voltage.

**You might not be able to choose the max frequency but depending on your options try to reduce a large amount. For example I can drop my clock OFFSET by up to -200MHz which should limit the GPU frequency to 1800MHz or so? NVidia's boosting is confusing.

I'd probably leave the memory alone at first since I believe the GPU is more likely to cause crashes but memory being a bit off is more likely to cause visual artifacts.

Voltage increases can make a processor more stable but they also raise the temperature.