AMD vs. Nvidia: Which is better for gaming?

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Jan 17, 2014
Hello, everyone! I am going to build a $650 gaming PC and I'm having trouble deciding on a graphics card. I'm not sure weather to go with AMD or Nvidia. I'm kind of a noob to the computer and gaming world, so I need your help on which one to go with. I hear Nvidia has better performance while AMD is cheaper. Which is best?
Coming from an AMD user and NVIDIA user, have a 2 computers, 1 with each in it, NVIDIA is your best bet right now for mid to high end because mining has driven AMD prices up... if it weren't for that I'd say AMD all the way.

I'd like to keep it under $200 for the graphics card.
Getting one of Nvidia's gpu gives you less trouble with games, some of AMD cards got slighty problems with older games, and nvidia also runs quieter and cooler.

some graphical artefacts, some of them are the rainbow problem on team fortress 2 and shaders problem in Arma 3 ( there are some I had encountered & researched) keep in mind that the latest generations of AMD should have full compatibility with all current games, also before buying a video card do some research, search for bugs and glitches it encounters with games you want to play.
I have had a lot of personal built computers I Healy build them use them for a month and the sell them so usaly have six or seven computers a year and use both amd Intel and invdia builds keeping to one brand per build but have mixed . I think both sides have a lot to offer but at the end they all work .just some better than others and is my fav.why you ask .you get more for your money and you can play games on high or ultra for a few hundred less for the same quality yea Intel nvidia is great and yea I build them but a good over clock is fun and brings amd where it's very good so I'd say go amd save a few bucks and buy the game you whant and some soda
Well after reading the many differing comments here I was urged to post this, I moved to amd 14 years ago and the cards have been ultra reliable and fast, so unlike others I had no problem with amd or ati, This week I moved to NVidia for really 2 reasons 1 a card that runs quiet and b a card that runs cool. Power wise(SAVES ME REPLACING A POWER SUPLY TOO) of course its gona be a upgrade cause im changing old hard ware, but the reason I changed was simply fed up with a noisy and hot pc, there was no other issues with amd. Now I have used my giga gtx970 g1 card I can say im so so happy I have a card that not only rockets but is cold and quiet. I cant see myself going back amd for a long time, though I am surprised the NVidia control panel hasn't changed that much from the 200O era of the tnt2 ultra lol, yes im that old. That the one thing I really miss from my amd and the only thing and that's the cata control panel is just well superior in terms of looks and navigation. The only thing left to compare is drivers. When I first changed to amd back in 2000 it was mainly cause of a little card called a 9700 pro and the fact they had sorted driver issues out, unfortunately dirver issues reared its ugly head again in the form of amd buy out. When I say driver issues its like 1-2 times a year I have to roll back and wait for fix, so not much of issue but one never the less. Ive been back with NVidia now 2 weeks so cant really comment on their drivers yet

Nvidia's GPU's tend to be better optimised for most games and are less prone to error. Last AMD GPU I had (R9 280x) had huge artifacts so I decided to give up on AMD and go for Nvidia's GTX 970. You pay more for Nvidia's products, but they are generally more reliable, but AMD provides amazing price-to-performance ratio.
Ive never used high end cards from either but I did have a GT 610 and just got a HD 6850 today. I cannot for the life of me get the drivers installed for the 6850 tho. The GT610 was a breeze. Just from the installation of both I would recommend Nvidia simply because I have never had a problem with their cards or installing the drivers.
I would prefer Nvdia.

Reason is because AMDs drivers are making too much Blue Screens. And the flickering problem is a common problem too.

Nvidia is way more stable.

Thats great. When it works it works. I only want to share my experience. And i had with AMD and his drivers much trouble.

The latest one crashed the whole system for example. My brother has bad experience too with AMD. I had never problems with Nvidia, so my next graphiccard will be Nvidia again.

But when it works it works. So it doesnt matter which graphiccard you should choose. When you play Battlefield maybe AMD and when Ubisoft Games Nvidia !?

Only my experience with AMD, but i would choose NVidia the next time.

And as game developer i know coding for AMD hardware is much more complicated than for NVidia hardware. AMD making much more trouble on visualisation. But this is not much important for endusers i guess.

And as game developer i know coding for AMD hardware is much more complicated than for NVidia hardware. AMD making much more trouble on visualisation. But this is not much important for endusers i guess.
Am I missing something?
When you program with a high level API like DirectX or OpenGL, there should be next to no difference

^^ this is not true. Its like developing for the browser or developing cross-platform.

You think its the same. Its not. There are problems.

As developer you will notice fast there are more problems with AMD ...let us say its needs more workarounds and trouble shootings.
I have 13 PC's here, 7 of them exclusively for Gaming and nothing else. I DID have some AMD cards....But every single problem I had was only on the machines with AMD cards. The problems all disappeared when the cards were replaced by Nvidia cards.
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