AMD vs Nvidia


Both solutions are similar in that they adapt the performance of the card according to variables like the temperature and/or the power draw of the cards. I would not compare two cards based on what power saving technology they use.
If you need help choosing a card please tell us your budget and what resolution you plan on gaming on.

Hope this helps!

my budget is about 270$, and I would like to play at 1920x1080res

Well in that case I would suggest the Gtx760 as it costs $249 and will handle practically any game at that resolution. Just make sure the rest of your components are compatible.

EDIT: It looks like Bignastyid beat me to it 😀

thanks, thats what I was going to get already

Recommend MSI N760 Hawk, not sure if its within 270$. Software-wise, nVidia's does look better, not that it perform much better. I, myself can't choose between N760 Hawk and XFX HD 7970.