Having switched over to 3 24" 1080P monitors in December...I can't imagine going back. Honestly, like Smarter Choice and Warmon said...you don't notice the bezels. Admittedly, I did it originally for the desktop space, but after playing Dragon Age, Crysis and Bioshock, and wondering about the bezel space, I can tell you in 5760x1080 eyefinity that you honestly don't even notice it. It's an absolute joy and my gaming will never be the same. I think some people are just a little a.r. and WANT to see the bezels and WANT to make it an issue, but if you give it a chance you'll be surprised.
I actually arranged mine so the side two overlap the middle one to reduce some of the bezel space but still...it's really not noticeable. The 10.3 drivers will introduce a "hide" option where instead of having a gap between monitors (half of a building on one monitor and the other half on the other monitor) it will actually hide the image behind the bezel so you get, maybe, 1/3 of the building on each monitor and the other 1/3 hidden by the bezel (think tall thin building, obviously). Sort of like wearing a pair of sunglasses with bigger rims. The image is there, but will be hidden by the rims. You'll specify how wide your bezels are and the driver will handle it from there. That, actually, will make things a bit more interesting. Of course, I'm not so sure in FPS it would be good as you could, theoretically, have someone hiding in that bezel area as they approach instead of definitely seeing them on a monitor somewhere.
Bottom line - don't knock it before you at least try it. See if you can borrow some friends' monitors and hook 'em up to your 58xx card and try it out. I promise it'll be your next expense to budget for.