News AMD's Radeon Adrenalin Software Finally Lets You Report Bugs and Crashes

OK, sorry to inform you that AMD drivers from way before Adrenalin 2020 had in-driver support for reporting problems. Every Catalyst driver had an in-driver button for reporting problems and bugs--and way before that. In fact, there have always been two ways to do it from within AMD drivers. So there's no "finally" to it...😉 All this is, is yet another method for doing it. (Pretty noob mistake, here.)
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Can it record your issues using video desktop video capture live like a 8k 300hz webcam can do as even ms feedback and google chrome doe not have this ability yet to upload to the network vs just taking snapshots?
mmmm. don't kore being in the solnet era of ai cameras and glass computer apu/cpu/gpu/ssd/ram mobo and solid state mobos with tons of ram tb storage cooling ai and zoomed NASA like slo mo 16K+ video recording and for gaming and watching/stream cable tv/listening to the radio with hardware/software vpn solutions. signs with stylus pen and puts thumbprint on biometric to buy food and things to be delivered at rest stop on the open road with facial recognition as options for old/new generations to choose from is a post passwordless world flipping up car key youbi key switchblade for starting the car like your mobile/laptop devices..

I was just about to say that. You beat me to it.