"That's only 0.025 MHz short of the chips' spec, but many users have reported up to 300MHz deltas, and more. "
Should be 0.025GHz or 25MHz. Is it a Beta posting?
"While we see a higher peak boost, the chip runs at a lower frequency for the majority of the test. This might be a poor implementation of the firmware for this particular motherboard, or could be due to the beta nature of the BIOS. We'll have to wait until newer firmwares are released for this, and other, motherboards to get the full picture. We've pinged MSI for comment to see if the company can reproduce this result. "
Nothing to do with AMD, more about MSI... from a Beta BIOS... I don't know why you didn't wait like Anandtech, to get the whole picture before rushing to the start line to be first and reporting this. Unfortunately, this is the trend here now... be the first and don't ask question... JUST POST IT!
"This firmware appears to be a work in progress, but shows that the bugs are being ironed out and are fixable. "
You would have known that if you read my first comment on the matter on your initial hit piece.