Question American Megatrends Aptio 2.17.1249 BIOS boot order

Jan 26, 2022
I have Ubuntu 20.04 loaded to a pocket PC with American Megatrends Aptio 2.17.1249 BIOS and I can't change the boot options priority.

Actually I can change and when I try to save and reboot, the boot order is not saved.

Plus the option is Android-IA and this is a pocket PC with only Ubuntu loaded to it (not dual boot and Android has never been loaded to the pocket pc.

When I loaded Ubuntu, I wiped the partitions and started fresh where the setup process created the partitions.

Any idea how I can change the boot order from Android first to Ubuntu being first.
You have a single disk, with single partition, so there is no "Boot device order" as it is just one. May be you see "Andoid" in UEFI bios, but there's no Android partition to boot from.
Correct, no Android partition and no Android OS, just Ubuntu but BIOS shows Android in the #1 boot priority and I would like to change that to Ubuntu, but can't.

I got this figured out. In the bios settings, go into the boot tab, then press F3 to load the optimized defaults. this will cause it to pick up the ubuntu partition.

Once this is done, it will show HardDisk:ubuntu as the 4th option.