Americas Worst Company


Jan 21, 2011

“For years, while movies and music became more affordable and publishers piled on bonus content — or multiple modes of delivery — as added value to entice customers to buy, video games have continued to be priced like premium goods.There have even been numerous accusations that EA and its ilk deliberately hold back game content with the sole intent of charging a fee for it at a later date. It’s one thing to support a game with new content that is worth the price. It’s another to put out an inferior — and occasionally broken — product with the mindset of “ah, we’ll fix it later and make some money for doing so.”

Mind you Electronic Arts beat out Bank of America who was a big player in the financial collapse.

Well as a dedicated (medicated??) Dragon Age Origins & DA2 player, produced by Bioware which is a division of EA, I can vouch for the fact that buying all the expansion modules would have cost around $100 over the original cost of the game.

However, had a clearance sale in January, where you could get DAO, DAA (Awakening) and DA2 with a boatload of other expansion modules for the beastly sum of $12. So, even though I had bought DAO and DA2, I purchased this because I saved the $100 for DAA and the other expansion packs..

Now I have to go cold turkey and take care of my taxes before 4/17, so I'm like a crack addict in withdrawal 😀..
Walmart i agree with. they treat their employees like just a number not a human being. Their salary stinks and no benefits at all.Apple is no bargain either. their salary wages are not great and they are weird to work for with their secretive policies and small cubicles you are enclosed in.
Marv now it all makes sense ... you were / are one of those Apple drones.

Hang around here for a few years and you should be cured.

Hurl some abuse back at me to get your therapy started !!

P.S. My battery in my Gen2 I-pod Touch is dead ... can you send me one of those universal plastic tools so I can get it apart?


Walmart corporate is horrible to work for. Walmart employees do get benefits and many of the positions pay fairly well. Where else could someone sell car stereos and make $13/hour (on average) and not have to install them?
Or paid $17/hour to manage the deli?
With respect to what Marv said Walmart does have a history of hiring mostly part-time employees to avoid paying benefits. its not like this is new info, there are plenty of examples where people have been screwed by Wally-World.

But for us gamers this an interesting example of a product costing 60$ for the initial game and 3 - 15$ expansion packs split over 2 years.

But instead of new content or improvements EA has really found a way to sell 60$ worth of merchandise for 105$. Brilliant.
Double edged sword I would wager. You can employ more people at say 30 hours a week.. or employ less with benefits. People need jobs and Walmart is providing them. Better to have a job than to not.

Therein lies the issue. Do provide less people with benefits, or provide more people jobs to do as they need to take care of themselves? If we had hard numbers I think we could better draw a conclusion. If it was 7 full time to 8 part time, yeah sure. But remember, you're taking away jobs now. :)
Walmart still discriminates against the women today working there for less wages than the men.There is no real incentive to rise in their corporate ladder if you are a woman.They do hire p/t more than f/t people also.I agree with you on that point.
I only buy ammo at Walmart since its so cheap. Otherwise, I don't like going there because of the people. I swear every person in their is in their own world, oblivious to anyone else around them. People stop in the middle of aisles or lanes for no reason while they think.. oblivious that you're trying to walk that same path to get somewhere. Then you say excuse me while they look at you.. then you navigate around them while they make no effort to politely move out of your way. Once you get around that person, 5 more steps you repeat that process.

All the way until you get to the register, where the person in front of you spends $110 and argues for 10 minutes about their $0.50 coupon not applying.

I've checked CTD. Can't find the good stuff for the price. I can't touch Federal FMJ 50 rounds for $13.49 on that site. I can't touch Federal 420 rounds 5.56 for $140 on there either.

Sure, if I wanted steel casing (can't reload) with Russian ammo for firearms I don't have I can get a good deal. But I also do reloading so the brass is an incentive for me. Let's not even begin to look at shotgun ammo on CTD. I shoot sabots.. and its about $5/sabot for the stuff I shoot.
Yeah, I practice with the stuff I would generally shoot. Federal seems decent for a glock and AR. I'm sure there is better but the price point and local availability of it is convenient. I was thinking about picking up some tracers, but I don't think I've ever shot beyond 250 yards.. and then all the hazard of fires, etc.

I was planning on doing a coyote hunt in Michigan but they charge a lot. Now, wild boar on the other hand might be fun but I probably need something more than an AR for those beasts.
Guns are extremely simple. My glock is composed of like 18 parts or something?

They're fairly simple objects. For example, a round is what many call a bullet. This is composed of a brass casing, a primer, black powder, and the bullet itself. That's generally either lead, electroplated lead, or copper plated lead (Full Metal Jacket, FMJ). Other options are a Hollow Point (JHP) which is the tip missing of copper to allow the lead to expand.

If you recall Gabby Gifford's who was shot.. she lived because the gunman used FMJ rounds. These are 'plinking' rounds that you would shoot to punch holes in paper. They leave a small enter/exit hole. A JHP would have the same size entry wound, but the exit would would be massive since the lead mushrooms and becomes a bigger target.

Mind you, I also live in Tennessee now. I also lived close to Detroit. A quality point to my house in Ohio is that there has not been a shooting within a half mile radius.
What? I live in my basement, have bad acne, play computer games all day, eat hot pockets, have a huge selection of Star Wars stuff, and never had a girlfriend.

You don't like my stereotype?

Nope, they can. I just was curious why you are not at a guns and ammunition's forum? THG is great. I have never seen you very active in the computer areas. My bad.

Whatever floats your boat. If you are happy, and not hurting yourself or others...have at it. I will be happy with you!

Sometimes the women are so afraid of voicing their opinions because they fear they might lose their jobs.

I agree they should be paid less if they are afraid to stand up for something they believe in. It doesn't do the company any good. :)