Yesterday, my 270x went kaput. Tried the BIOS switching and unplugging and replacing it. Windows still doesn't recognize it. Just goes to a black screen at login.
I put my old 7770 in and it booted up with 0 issues.
So, my question is... is there any repair I can do to the card itself to make it function again? I work in cell phone repair and have access to soldering equipment and microscopes.
I have no information as to whether it just overheated or if something else on the board failed. 🙁
I put my old 7770 in and it booted up with 0 issues.
So, my question is... is there any repair I can do to the card itself to make it function again? I work in cell phone repair and have access to soldering equipment and microscopes.
I have no information as to whether it just overheated or if something else on the board failed. 🙁