An Extended 'Watch Dogs 2' Hands-On: Choose Your Hacking Path

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I just completed Watch Dogs at last after getting Nvidia 1080 since R390x sucked in term of performance. I was pleased with a game, but not something i would play again. I am sure Watch Dogs 2 is a fine game too. In some weird way it is mix of GTA and Assassin's Creed.
I really liked Watch dogs at first because to me it was very new.
Prior to getting the game i had not played any open world titles with the same graphics and gameplay, i had been playing mostly FPS war themed games.
My Biggest complaint about WD's was the AI was seriously flawed and the gun fighting felt horrible. I see this new one has the same basic set up for gun fighting
so i will be waiting until it is out for a while and on sale before i get it.
I really want to like this game. I have been seeing videos on YouTube and I'm liking the game currently Hopefully once the game releases, the game will retain the quality from what I've seen. Not some washed out garbage that WD 1 was.
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