An old and dying video card x(


Sep 23, 2014
Digging in the basement I found several video cards, including a nvidia geforce 440! I did a couple of tests of all kinds, and I say that is not bad! I have also tried to do a slight overclock, so everything is alright. but when I try to send at higher frequencies to 890 are formed glitch scary. How do I overcome this problem?
Your old graphics card might not be capable of any kind of overclocking at all. There's no reason why you should waste your time trying to get any higher speed with it when you already own a high end GPU.

You can use MSI overclocking tool
Or EVGA precision X

Your old graphics card might not be capable of any kind of overclocking at all. There's no reason why you should waste your time trying to get any higher speed with it when you already own a high end GPU.