Question An over decade old laptop and buying new battery

Feb 29, 2024
Hi All,
I hope you are well. I have a pretty old laptop I think it's over 12 years old - HP Probook G1 430.
I like it very much but the battery on it is pretty much done.
I am looking for a replacement but I wonder how the "brand new" replacements on sale can be good?
It says something like "They may have undergone maintenance cycles (typically 1-3) to keep them in good condition."
I hardly believe there are any brand new batteries for these laptops.
What do you think?
I would suggest getting a new laptop at this point, you're talking a 4200U processor and Windows 10 is the last OS that will support the hardware from Microsoft and that's EOL this year. Assuming you've updated to Windows 10. Nearly any laptop you buy now, even at the bottom end will be better.
Getting a working replacement battery is probably the cheapest solution in the long term and also most environment friendly, but as long you're planning to connect it to the internet, you must just forget using any windows version (W10 soon no longer supported and W11 doesn't support the hw).