Analog keyboards would be great


Jun 15, 2015
I feel many people have been waiting for an analog keyboard, or some keyboard that can register also the depth press. Should be great for gaming.
I see your point, but in this case I think it doesn't record multiple key inputs from 1 press, it's rather more similar to your trigger controls from consoles controllers. So it gives 1 key input but it sends also additional information attached to that input, which is depth and speed.
Ehh, I still don't think there's THAT many uses for analog inputs though.

Beyond a single gas pedal, and maybe a break pedal, how many more do you really need? And wouldn't controllers still do this better?

I feel that it would also require a HUGE adjustment, because people are used to hitting a key fairly/moderately lightly and it reaching it's full depth in the full 0.01 seconds they press it down for. But analog keys would have to be higher up, to be able to perceive greater depths, so it would just FEEL weird to new users and would likely take too long to get used to encourage people to buy it.
I absolutely agree with you. I'm waiting for this kind of keyboard for years. For example I like playing trackmania with my keyboard instead of my gamepad.(I couldn't get used to for trackmania it no matter how hard I try) If there was a analog keyboard my recs would be much better.:)

Well there was a kickstarter project called as aimpad but couldn't succed unfortunately. Also I have seen a video on youtube, a genius technician was making his own analog keyboard with a keyboard and a xbox controller. He mounted xbox controllers some parts into his keyboard. And it took his almost 2 hours max. And worked like a charm.

So if a guy on youtube can make it easily, big keyboard brands should make it easier. They have so many useless but expensive keyboards priced like 200$-300$.

I think they don't make it beceause they don't believe that they can sell it. But they can make that analog function for just arrow keys. And they can put a button to disable it whenever you want.