What sqeeze wiscracker? AMD losing ground (lost market share to NV in gpu and cpu to intel), losing money and now selling everything they own to keep up. Intel isn't making gpu's for cards. So at worst NV will be alone in the next few years to charge us whatever they want for a gpu.
They are the top super computer, even Intel lost. This is new ground they're moving into.
They are moving into mobile. Tegra1 was just getting things going, 2 was getting in the door, and 3 is obviously selling. 4/5 will be in house designed (one of them, not sure which is fully in house) which should yield apple a6 like results. 3/4/5/6 were all being dev'd at the same time so says Jen ages ago in an conference call. Tegra4 comes March (announcement in CES jan I think). It will at least double the gpu and match everything out now and cpu currently does that in most things (since they went quad cpu first while everyone else double gpu first). TI just quit SOCS race moving to low end. Nobody is putting the squeeze on NV here either, rather, NV is attempting to squeeze into Samsung/Qcom/Apple's world.
Denver and Boulder are entering Intel's space for real. CPU for desktops and cpu for servers. Instead of competing against a weak AMD, they're going to deal with a 3.5B cash company in Nvidia vs. Intel now. Much different. Not saying NV will win, but they should do much better than a broke AMD.
Intel sold 352mil chips last year, and 348mil this year. The market is down a bit, but that's 1%. Gpu sales have not dropped significantly either. So it's basically the same market it's always been with a small hiccup due to economy fears which everyone is dealing with (hence the super small drop in intel's chips shipped). We have Wayne, Grey, Logan, Stark all left in the pipleline for SOCS, so I see the roadmap going pretty well at this point for a company who now basically is out of the "getting your feet wet" phase and moving into an excellent product market share on tablets and Tegra4 should get them into even more devices. Once kepler is fully in these things the war will really get interesting in SOCS.
Intel owes NV again in Jan. That's going to make a nice quarter again too. They should have no trouble weathering this small pc storm (1%?, umm, wind gust not storm?) and are improving their marketshare everywhere. There is no data to support what you're saying