Analyst: T-Mobile Could Finally Offer the iPhone Next Year

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Been with T-Mobile for years and am rather happy with the service; even without an iPhone.
My Samsung Flip phone serves me fine and if I upgrade to a smart phone some day it will be Samsung again.
Apple's products are not all bad, but it is the corporate attitude that blows; and I do not support that.
I was with T-Mobile for years, but ended up switching due to many of the more popular phones (at least the phone that I wanted at the time) not being available on T-Mobile.

And while I do not have any intention on buying an iPhone 5, or any other smartphone for that matter (old school flip phone ftw), I'm sure many T-Mobile customers will be happy that they'll have native support for their iPhones now. Also good for T-Mobile's business, especially after the gov't blocked the sale to AT&T.

I hope not, iPhones eat bandwidth. I don't want these clogging up my network.

I've been with t-mobile forever and really, i thought about switching until i saw all the data caps and with the iphone coming into the pic, i might get that with t-mobile also in the near future... forget Sprint and their "true" unlimited when ur on the most congested network, it takes nearly 2 mins to open up the mobile version of Facebook. I'd rather be throttled on T-mobile, and i'm sure it's still faster than Sprint's "3G/4G LTE."

I'm glad i'm T-Mobile and their so-called fake 4G that everyone says when i'm getting 25-28 megabits/sec throughout the day. i think that's as fast as LTE and eats less power than "real 4G" devices with LTE.


I was with T-Mobile for years, but ended up switching due to many of the more popular phones (at least the phone that I wanted at the time) not being available on T-Mobile.

And while I do not have any intention on buying an iPhone 5, or any other smartphone for that matter (old school flip phone ftw), I'm sure many T-Mobile customers will be happy that they'll have native support for their iPhones now. Also good for T-Mobile's business, especially after the gov't blocked the sale to AT&T.

On the other thought, T-mobile actually do have services for using iPhones with their network if i recall correctly. i think they even actually help u set it up with them if u get to the right department. of course they don't officially support it, but their "special department(s)" will help u out.
[citation][nom]freggo[/nom]Been with T-Mobile for years and am rather happy with the service; even without an iPhone.My Samsung Flip phone serves me fine and if I upgrade to a smart phone some day it will be Samsung again.Apple's products are not all bad, but it is the corporate attitude that blows; and I do not support that.[/citation]
Interesting: I have never had anything but trouble with Samsung feature phones and their low-end Android phones. Sure, their top tier stuff is good, but their low end stuff is buggy and lacking intuitiveness.

LG has been my dumb-phone brand of choice, and their low to mid-tier Android offerings have been true values.

As far as T-Moble, I have heard just as many horror stories with them as all of the other contract-based providers. But I also know a few people truly satisfied with their service. More than I can say for Sprint or AT&T.

I hope TMobile will not get iPhones too.
I'm currently rocking Samsung Galaxy S3, and we don't need iPhoners slowing down our network.

No other major network can beat 2GB/month @ $20, and then throttles to 2G speed(fast enough to sync email and my whatsapp) afterward instead of hidden charges. Take that Vz, ATT and Sp users.
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