And now.... For something COMPLETELY different



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Well, for me anyway.

I recently purchased a nice quick computer for my hotel room in
Detroit. I've been itching to play Diablo on it, especially as it has a
great 21 inch flat screen. Sadly, my hotel has been getting a wi-fi
installed next month for the last 6 months :(

Having grown tired of the wait, I decided to try something I have never
tried before, namely playing single player. Now, I had the Diablo 2
CDs, but my LoD CDs were still in Florida. This presented a few
problems, namely which char I could play without any twinking and a
char that I could build in D2 and still play in LoD. This of course led
to only one thought, a necro (I bet you all figured that out by now).
In any case, I concluded some time ago that the latest set of runewords
made a necro invincable. Why you ask? Well I am so glad you did. There
are 2 new runewords that make a necro almost impossible to kill,
especially if he has the pick of his gear. The first is Insight. Given
perfect gear (frosties and 2 SOJs) and some decent mana charms, and
given a rabbi with said Insight stick, a necro need put almost no
points into mana. With a pair of Marrowwalks (for the synergies) a
necro could actually walk around with 35 minions, 3000+ life and a 700
point bone armor. The second amore more important is the Splendor
Shield. While this is a great shield for any caster, the necro benefits
most from it, as he can make it in a head that has +3 Skels, +2-3 Skel
Mast, and +2-3 CE and +1 to all skills (from the runeword). I cannot
imagine how anything the game can spawn anything kill this character.

So off I went to test my theory. One problem I quickly encountered was
the tiny litle stash that D2 gave us. Another was the fact that the
method for playing a necro in D2 was COMPLETELY different from LoD. For
those who do not recall, the 1.07 D2 necro made his living with a
golem, Iron Maiden and CE. SO I had to be VERY careful about skill
point distribution and avoid the urge to put points into IM or golem
skills. I had little difficulty getting to Andariel, but even less
inluck in items, finding nothing of note. Just as I was about to face
her, a package arrived from home with my LoD CD. I VERY quickly updated
and then went to visit the large green female. It wasn't quick, but she
went down without too much effort and burped up a pair of Magefists.
OK, I thought, that was profitible. Then I recalled that she has this
increased chance of dropping a ring, so I decided to kill her a few
dozen times, ramping up the number of players as I went. This is MUCH
easier in SP, as you only have to find you way down once, and then you
have the map and can rocket down. This little feature makes leveling up
SO much easier in SP than in MP. On one of my trips to see her, a
random boss dropped an Angelic Halo. She was quite helpful and dropped
an Infernal Cranium and a a Manald heal ring. Off to act 2 our intrepid
hero goes, and on my trip through the sewers to see Ratman, a champion
skeleton archer dropped a white circlet. Perfect, I thought, I will
imbue this when I make a few m ore levels. Ratman was easy, I just blew
up all his friends and them IM'd him and watched him impale himself on
my golem. Back to towm to get me a rabbi, and off to the desserts we
go. Everything went along as easy as pie, with the exception of the
Maggot Lair. I finally figured out that my skeletons were causing my
rabbi a problem in that thety blocked him from the monsters and didn't
do enough damage yet to kill with any speed, so I nuked em all and then
cruised the rest of the way. Things were uneventfull until I reached
Duriel. I almost bought it there, but fast goem casting and IM
eventually did the trick, and the slug dropped a Nightsmoke and an ETH
rune. Perfect!!! Off to act3 and again, not much in the way of an issue
with the exception of SZark the Burning, who ate my rabbi and quite an
impressive collection of golems before FINALLY biting the dust. It was
a fast cruise to Travincal, where the Boys in the Band were kind enough
to drop a shitload of useless by pricey items. I was bloated with gold,
so I went gambling, and here I made my first major hit. A pair of
yellow leather booties:

20% fast run

Now I was feeling godly, so I didn't bother visiting Mephy more than
once, although he did drop me a Grim Ward shield, with all those levely
resists. I charged through act4 and fed Diablo golems until he puked (I
was level 22) and off to act5. Here I was able to power level VERY
quickly, as repeated runs at players 8 at the waypoint (Eldritch the
Rectum Fryer and Shrek) got me levels in a real hurry and 2 more ETH
runes. I then started pumping the minions for a while, and one of them
dropped a 3 socket superior breast plate and now I had a home for my
ETH runes. Now I had some serious mana regen so I offed Baal and hiked
into NM mode. Just before I left, I decided it was time to imbue that
circlet, and once again the gods of LoD smiled upon me. +1 P&B skills,
11 life, 14 energy and 17% resist all. WONDEFRFUL, I said and off to NM
I went. First boss I ran into deposited an Infernal Torch. Now if ONLY
I had the belt.... but just how lucky can one expect to get. SO I
shopped and shopped and finally got a decent wand, and that propelled
me though to act4 in rapid order. I offed Diablo at level 44 (amazing
how fast he goes down with IM and 200 minions around him) and now I am
back in act5 and pumping the fellows at the WP again. I am now level
61, haven't yet died, and my stats look like:

70 STR (10 from the shield)
25 Dex (base)
20 VIT (base)
161 Energy

140 points in the bank.

My adjusted Skills are at

11 Skel mast
15 Skels
12 Revives
8 CE
and one in each of the other relevant skills
and 14 skills in the bank

Now I need to find me a nice head, a nice 2 socket wand and a nice
stick for my rabbi, and I really cannot imagine how this char can
possibly be killed.



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Mickey wrote:
> Well, for me anyway.
> I recently purchased a nice quick computer for my hotel room in
> Detroit. I've been itching to play Diablo on it, especially as it has a
> great 21 inch flat screen. Sadly, my hotel has been getting a wi-fi
> installed next month for the last 6 months :(
> Having grown tired of the wait, I decided to try something I have never
> tried before, namely playing single player. Now, I had the Diablo 2
> CDs, but my LoD CDs were still in Florida. This presented a few
> problems, namely which char I could play without any twinking and a
> char that I could build in D2 and still play in LoD. This of course led
> to only one thought, a necro (I bet you all figured that out by now).
> In any case, I concluded some time ago that the latest set of runewords
> made a necro invincable. Why you ask? Well I am so glad you did. There
> are 2 new runewords that make a necro almost impossible to kill,
> especially if he has the pick of his gear. The first is Insight. Given
> perfect gear (frosties and 2 SOJs) and some decent mana charms, and
> given a rabbi with said Insight stick, a necro need put almost no
> points into mana. With a pair of Marrowwalks (for the synergies) a
> necro could actually walk around with 35 minions, 3000+ life and a 700
> point bone armor. The second amore more important is the Splendor
> Shield. While this is a great shield for any caster, the necro benefits
> most from it, as he can make it in a head that has +3 Skels, +2-3 Skel
> Mast, and +2-3 CE and +1 to all skills (from the runeword). I cannot
> imagine how anything the game can spawn anything kill this character.
> So off I went to test my theory. One problem I quickly encountered was
> the tiny litle stash that D2 gave us. Another was the fact that the
> method for playing a necro in D2 was COMPLETELY different from LoD. For
> those who do not recall, the 1.07 D2 necro made his living with a
> golem, Iron Maiden and CE. SO I had to be VERY careful about skill
> point distribution and avoid the urge to put points into IM or golem
> skills. I had little difficulty getting to Andariel, but even less
> inluck in items, finding nothing of note. Just as I was about to face
> her, a package arrived from home with my LoD CD. I VERY quickly updated
> and then went to visit the large green female. It wasn't quick, but she
> went down without too much effort and burped up a pair of Magefists.
> OK, I thought, that was profitible. Then I recalled that she has this
> increased chance of dropping a ring, so I decided to kill her a few
> dozen times, ramping up the number of players as I went. This is MUCH
> easier in SP, as you only have to find you way down once, and then you
> have the map and can rocket down. This little feature makes leveling up
> SO much easier in SP than in MP. On one of my trips to see her, a
> random boss dropped an Angelic Halo. She was quite helpful and dropped
> an Infernal Cranium and a a Manald heal ring. Off to act 2 our intrepid
> hero goes, and on my trip through the sewers to see Ratman, a champion
> skeleton archer dropped a white circlet. Perfect, I thought, I will
> imbue this when I make a few m ore levels. Ratman was easy, I just blew
> up all his friends and them IM'd him and watched him impale himself on
> my golem. Back to towm to get me a rabbi, and off to the desserts we
> go. Everything went along as easy as pie, with the exception of the
> Maggot Lair. I finally figured out that my skeletons were causing my
> rabbi a problem in that thety blocked him from the monsters and didn't
> do enough damage yet to kill with any speed, so I nuked em all and then
> cruised the rest of the way. Things were uneventfull until I reached
> Duriel. I almost bought it there, but fast goem casting and IM
> eventually did the trick, and the slug dropped a Nightsmoke and an ETH
> rune. Perfect!!! Off to act3 and again, not much in the way of an issue
> with the exception of SZark the Burning, who ate my rabbi and quite an
> impressive collection of golems before FINALLY biting the dust. It was
> a fast cruise to Travincal, where the Boys in the Band were kind enough
> to drop a shitload of useless by pricey items. I was bloated with gold,
> so I went gambling, and here I made my first major hit. A pair of
> yellow leather booties:
> 20% fast run
> 39%LR
> 39%FR
> 32%CR
> 50%CLR
> 25%PLR
> Now I was feeling godly, so I didn't bother visiting Mephy more than
> once, although he did drop me a Grim Ward shield, with all those levely
> resists. I charged through act4 and fed Diablo golems until he puked (I
> was level 22) and off to act5. Here I was able to power level VERY
> quickly, as repeated runs at players 8 at the waypoint (Eldritch the
> Rectum Fryer and Shrek) got me levels in a real hurry and 2 more ETH
> runes. I then started pumping the minions for a while, and one of them
> dropped a 3 socket superior breast plate and now I had a home for my
> ETH runes. Now I had some serious mana regen so I offed Baal and hiked
> into NM mode. Just before I left, I decided it was time to imbue that
> circlet, and once again the gods of LoD smiled upon me. +1 P&B skills,
> 11 life, 14 energy and 17% resist all. WONDEFRFUL, I said and off to NM
> I went. First boss I ran into deposited an Infernal Torch. Now if ONLY
> I had the belt.... but just how lucky can one expect to get. SO I
> shopped and shopped and finally got a decent wand, and that propelled
> me though to act4 in rapid order. I offed Diablo at level 44 (amazing
> how fast he goes down with IM and 200 minions around him) and now I am
> back in act5 and pumping the fellows at the WP again. I am now level
> 61, haven't yet died, and my stats look like:
> 70 STR (10 from the shield)
> 25 Dex (base)
> 20 VIT (base)
> 161 Energy
> 140 points in the bank.
> My adjusted Skills are at
> 11 Skel mast
> 15 Skels
> 12 Revives
> 8 CE
> and one in each of the other relevant skills
> and 14 skills in the bank

Excellent historic text. Very informative and anyone who has never
played a necro and fathoms the idea can learn from this.

> Now I need to find me a nice head, a nice 2 socket wand and a nice
> stick for my rabbi, and I really cannot imagine how this char can
> possibly be killed.

Get a hotel room in New Zealand and play on West US via NZ Telecom.

That boy should die somewhere between Hell Pit and Durance 3.

Misfit has proven this to be a fact in the current world as we know it.

Hardcore Mantra in New Zealand

Live Forever Or Die Trying to PLay Using NZ Telecom

Orion Ryder

> Mickey


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Orion Ryder wrote:
> Get a hotel room in New Zealand and play on West US via NZ Telecom.
> That boy should die somewhere between Hell Pit and Durance 3.
> Misfit has proven this to be a fact in the current world as we know it.
> Hardcore Mantra in New Zealand
> Live Forever Or Die Trying to PLay Using NZ Telecom
> Orion Ryder
Every time I get the urge to accept a job offer in Kiwiland, I see a
message like this that kind of ruins the mood. What would I need, my
own commercial T-1 line? (Do they even have those down there?)

Maybe I should concentrate on Oz instead...


Mar 30, 2004
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"Mickey" <> wrote in message
> Having grown tired of the wait, I decided to try something I have never
> tried before, namely playing single player.

If you haven't gotten it yet, I recommend getting the ATMA's muling program:
It's absolutely wonderful and I'm sure a pack rat like you will love it. ;-)

Also, like Kaytie said, the new Runewords are not available in SP. You can
DL a mod that enables them though:

Watch out for the FE bug, it's in full force in SP and it can kill you
regardless of build or equipment.




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On 25 May 2005 09:33:23 -0700, "Mickey" <> wrote:

>One problem I quickly encountered was
>the tiny litle stash that D2 gave us.

A design decision that gives new meaning to the phrase, "Oughta be

>I was bloated with gold,
>so I went gambling, and here I made my first major hit. A pair of
>yellow leather booties:
>20% fast run

Geez. I have guardians who have never had boots that good.

>Just before I left, I decided it was time to imbue that
>circlet, and once again the gods of LoD smiled upon me. +1 P&B skills,
>11 life, 14 energy and 17% resist all. WONDEFRFUL, I said

No $#!+!

-- Roy L


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Long ago, in the world without shrimp, "Orion Ryder" <>,
supreme ruler of bunnies, hopped and flopped and said:

>Get a hotel room in New Zealand and play on West US via NZ Telecom.
>That boy should die somewhere between Hell Pit and Durance 3.
>Misfit has proven this to be a fact in the current world as we know it.

>Hardcore Mantra in New Zealand
>Live Forever Or Die Trying to PLay Using NZ Telecom

I don't know what was up yesterday, but Dalai and I smacked demons around for
a solid 6+ hours yesterday, and I was only disconnected twice in the process!

If in doubt, hit with axe.


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Long ago, in the world without shrimp, "Mickey" <>, supreme
ruler of bunnies, hopped and flopped and said:

>20% fast run

Woohoo! Sweet gambling hit. I recently scored a pair of booties with three
resists, faster run and hit recovery and was told they would be worth a
fortune on the trading scene, and yours have even better mods.

< Snip stuff about a character class I've never heard of. ;-) >

If in doubt, hit with axe.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

Mark wrote:
> "Mickey" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Having grown tired of the wait, I decided to try something I have never
> > tried before, namely playing single player.
> If you haven't gotten it yet, I recommend getting the ATMA's muling program:
> It's absolutely wonderful and I'm sure a pack rat like you will love it. ;-)
> Also, like Kaytie said, the new Runewords are not available in SP. You can
> DL a mod that enables them though:

Thanks for those links, taht will help immensely.

> Watch out for the FE bug, it's in full force in SP and it can kill you
> regardless of build or equipment.

I finally did die this morning, but not to the FE bug per se. I was
doing players 8 Pindle runs. Pindle and company were well dead, and I
went over to pick up some stuff they dropped and suddenly, I was dead.
I looked to see if if one had revived and killed me, but alas, it was
the old delayed FE issue that Pindle has. I always thought that was a
lag issue, but this sort of puts that theory to bed :)



Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:
> On 25 May 2005 09:33:23 -0700, "Mickey" <> wrote:
> >One problem I quickly encountered was
> >the tiny litle stash that D2 gave us.
> A design decision that gives new meaning to the phrase, "Oughta be
> horsewhipped."


> >I was bloated with gold,
> >so I went gambling, and here I made my first major hit. A pair of
> >yellow leather booties:
> >
> >20% fast run
> >39%LR
> >39%FR
> >32%CR
> >50%CLR
> >25%PLR
> Geez. I have guardians who have never had boots that good.

The trick with boots is to gamble for them early. Once you get too high
a level, lots of useless mods become available, making the chance of
getting a pair like those almost nil.

> >Just before I left, I decided it was time to imbue that
> >circlet, and once again the gods of LoD smiled upon me. +1 P&B skills,
> >11 life, 14 energy and 17% resist all. WONDEFRFUL, I said
> No $#!+!

Yeah :)

Of course, I am paying the price for those two finds in my luck at both
amulets and charms. So far, I have found 6 charms with +1 to a skills
tab, none for a necro. I have gambled about 4.5 million in gold on
amlets, but the best I have is one that gives me 8 energy, 86 mana and
20% resist all. Can't find one with skills on it, nor any decent 2
socket heads or wands. I shall grind on, I am now level 71 (8 player
pindle runs work great, especially when you jump in and make 5 skels
real fast).



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Mark wrote:
> "Mickey" <> wrote in message
> >
> > I finally did die this morning, but not to the FE bug per se. I was
> > doing players 8 Pindle runs. Pindle and company were well dead, and I
> > went over to pick up some stuff they dropped and suddenly, I was dead.
> > I looked to see if if one had revived and killed me, but alas, it was
> > the old delayed FE issue that Pindle has. I always thought that was a
> > lag issue, but this sort of puts that theory to bed :)
> That's a manifestation of the FE bug. If you're within the 'blast area' of
> one of those skelly dudes when he revives you get hit with the FE damage. Or
> if you're standing on top of one, you prevent his revival but take the
> damage. And at P8 that means Deeds, er, corpse recovery in your case. It's
> never a good idea to stand around in Pindle's place too long.

Unless of course you're playing a necro and you AREN"T retarded, like I
was, and just blow up all the corpses first :)



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Mark wrote:
> "Mickey" <> wrote in message
> >
> > I finally did die this morning, but not to the FE bug per se. I was
> > doing players 8 Pindle runs. Pindle and company were well dead, and I
> > went over to pick up some stuff they dropped and suddenly, I was dead.
> > I looked to see if if one had revived and killed me, but alas, it was
> > the old delayed FE issue that Pindle has. I always thought that was a
> > lag issue, but this sort of puts that theory to bed :)
> That's a manifestation of the FE bug. If you're within the 'blast area' of
> one of those skelly dudes when he revives you get hit with the FE damage. Or
> if you're standing on top of one, you prevent his revival but take the
> damage. And at P8 that means Deeds, er, corpse recovery in your case. It's
> never a good idea to stand around in Pindle's place too long.
Pindle can't revive because he's a boss. The problem is that the game
code still starts to revive him because of his monster type, but he
can't *finish* reviving as a boss. Rather than just letting him be, the
game solves the paradox by having him "die" again (revived with a life
of zero paradox?). Nothing shows on the screen, but this second "death"
is still treated as FE blast. Always give pindle a 10-second count
before checking out his corpse.


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Long ago, in the world without shrimp, "~misfit~" <>,
supreme ruler of bunnies, hopped and flopped and said:

>Wicked! And I didn't even play yesterday as I was sick of all the
>disconnects the night before. I've been playing with 4 PCs in a game and
>when you just get them all in a game, partied and looting allowed, get your
>army with the necro, enchant minions and they all get dropped it's really
>annoying. When it happens three times in a row it's enough to turn Mother
>Theresa (RIP) into Ted Bundy.

>Just my luck. ;-( Yesterday was good huh?

It was! Not sure about today yet, though.

If in doubt, hit with axe.


Mar 30, 2004
Archived from groups: (More info?)

"Mickey" <> wrote in message
> I finally did die this morning, but not to the FE bug per se. I was
> doing players 8 Pindle runs. Pindle and company were well dead, and I
> went over to pick up some stuff they dropped and suddenly, I was dead.
> I looked to see if if one had revived and killed me, but alas, it was
> the old delayed FE issue that Pindle has. I always thought that was a
> lag issue, but this sort of puts that theory to bed :)

That's a manifestation of the FE bug. If you're within the 'blast area' of
one of those skelly dudes when he revives you get hit with the FE damage. Or
if you're standing on top of one, you prevent his revival but take the
damage. And at P8 that means Deeds, er, corpse recovery in your case. It's
never a good idea to stand around in Pindle's place too long.




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Brian Brunner wrote:

> For a Pally: Salvation (almost spelled that Salivation).

I usually spell it Redemption (although I like Salivation better).


Archived from groups: (More info?)

On 26 May 2005, "Zamboni" wrote:

>> Mark wrote:
>> > "Mickey" wrote
>> > >
>> > > I finally did die this morning, but not to the FE bug per se. I was
>> > > doing players 8 Pindle runs. Pindle and company were well dead, and I
>> > > went over to pick up some stuff they dropped and suddenly, I was dead.
>> > > I looked to see if if one had revived and killed me, but alas, it was
>> > > the old delayed FE issue that Pindle has. I always thought that was a
>> > > lag issue, but this sort of puts that theory to bed :)
>> >
>> > That's a manifestation of the FE bug. If you're within the 'blast area' of
>> > one of those skelly dudes when he revives you get hit with the FE damage. Or
>> > if you're standing on top of one, you prevent his revival but take the
>> > damage. And at P8 that means Deeds, er, corpse recovery in your case. It's
>> > never a good idea to stand around in Pindle's place too long.
>> >
>> Pindle can't revive because he's a boss. The problem is that the game
>> code still starts to revive him because of his monster type, but he
>> can't *finish* reviving as a boss. Rather than just letting him be, the
>> game solves the paradox by having him "die" again (revived with a life
>> of zero paradox?). Nothing shows on the screen, but this second "death"
>> is still treated as FE blast. Always give pindle a 10-second count
>> before checking out his corpse.

Necro: raise a bunch more skellies until all corpses are consumed...
For a Druid: a Malice weapon and a corpse worm (he'll eat only if you're
down some life)
For a Pally: Salvation (almost spelled that Salivation).
For a Barb: Grim Ward or Find Item.
What's an Assassin, Sorceress, or Zon to do except wait?


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On 26 May 2005 11:55:14 -0700, "Zamboni" <>

>Pindle can't revive because he's a boss. The problem is that the game
>code still starts to revive him because of his monster type, but he
>can't *finish* reviving as a boss. Rather than just letting him be, the
>game solves the paradox by having him "die" again (revived with a life
>of zero paradox?). Nothing shows on the screen, but this second "death"
>is still treated as FE blast.

Damn, that explains at least a couple of my HC char losses, one of
them at level 85.

Grr BCMs....

-- Roy L


Archived from groups: (More info?)

On 26 May 2005, "Zamboni" wrote:

>> Brian Brunner wrote:
>> > For a Pally: Salvation (almost spelled that Salivation).
>> I usually spell it Redemption (although I like Salivation better).

Well so do I when I think about it...

but salivation is funnier.