And with one agonizing year left to the day of the 2012 election

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Apr 10, 2011
It's one year to the day until the 2012 election

Obama is also approaching the three year anniversary of his “If I don’t have the economy fixed in three years I’m a one-termer”

With his approval ratings reaching skyward to new levels on the suck scale, its looking like the radical left socialist and his radical redistributionist agenda are about as popular with voters as contracting the herpes virus. Hope and change is out the window, replaced by fear and loathing.

Buried in an ever growing nightmare of his own making, his policies have been classically socialist. But unlike capitalism, which gives everyone an equal shot at opportunity, socialism gives everyone an equal share in poverty and misery.

It doesn't matter what gender you are or what racial or economic group you belong to: Americans don't like poverty and misery much. And we have a way of applying a quick boot to the ass end of those who inflict them.

Regarding 11/06/2012, Obama was asked the question that voters will be asking themselves one year from now: “Are we better off now than we were $4 trillion… er, I mean 4 years… ago?”

His answer when referring to his dismal record He will be running on next year was pathetic and laughable. Are you kidding me?!
So much ignorance in the OP. If any of you that agree with this clown consider how much of Obama's policies were manifested from his business ties with Wall Street, then you'd laugh at the thought the Obama is a "socialist."

Unlike "socialism," subsidized capitalism, also known as fascism in many other places of the world, directly equates to monopolized markets, oligarchies created by nepotism, and the "best and the brightest" leading our 1st world country back into the dark ages through financial collapse.

Tell me, if you are so gun-ho about capitalism, can you define in your own words (not wikipedia's) what the difference between socialism and communism is?

I think many in the country don't even know who we will be voting for exactly, at this point.

I am most likely gonna vote like I always do... whichever candidate is running as Independent, and then hopefully within the next 10-20yrs there might actually be a legitimate third party in the US ;-)
I think poor Obama has been dealt the worst hand of cards a president could be dealt ... so from looking at the US from the outside I sympathise with the struggles many have had to endure over the past couple of years and understand some of the anger and resentment.

Historically the cause of the problem isnt his.

We implemented exactly the same govt spending measures here in Australia as were put in place in the US.

Did they work?

Frankly I don't think they had much effect but our economies are so different and we have a much smaller base, and the resource boom to buoy us here.

There is no doubt the US will get back on its feet financially ... it just takes time.


And I think Bush was actually dealt the worst hand of cards a president could be dealt, but you would have had to been present in America to see it, and would have to have been keeping your eyes open to what was really going on.

Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't a Bush fan and I definitely didn't vote for him. But it was in the Clinton administration that the beginnings of what would end up being the huge housing market crash first developed. Bush also suffered through the worst attack in history on American mainland soil, and it would be pure conjecture to think that a different President (like Gore? haha) could have handled it any better.

The big downfall of Bush was falling into the trap (most likely listening to the wrong advisers) of agreeing to stimulus/bailouts, and continuing to increase the size of federal government.

IMO Obama has no one to blame but himself, because he ran on a platform of stimulus/bailouts and big government, while at the same time trying to blame Bush. It's kind of hard to convince people for long that you are different from Bush, if you pretty much continue his exact policies for almost 3 yrs. He also ran on pulling all troops out, and instead engaged our military in even more conflict. There is very little to sympathize with...
Thank you for sympathizing with us Yanks! But don't waste your compassion on Obama. I will agree that he inherited a steaming pile of $hit, but after three years, his excuses are his own!

American history is rife with new Presidents inheriting steaming piles of $hit but they were able to turn the $hit into fertilizer and grow the economy. After three years, with two of them having a Democrat majority in Congress, Obama got all of his pet projects and policies passed much to the chagrin and opposition of the American People; the results are total and utter failure.

I have to agree.

Candidate Obama came off as just centrist Democrat offering "hope and change" to the People.

The newly made President Obama proved to be a socialist with openly advocating the redistribution of wealth.

Now, Obama has revealed himself to be a Facist with the level cronyism, corporate backing, and executive fiat.
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