Android Has 1,400 Words It Doesn't Want You to Type

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Auto-correct, auto-complete and other predictive text technologies go a long way towards making your life annoying when you speak three languages and need to be at moments notice able to text in all three!

That would be logical but highly unlikely since they banned Garmin also.
It's common sense that these would be blocked. The kitkat keyboard supports swiping. Take "AMD" for example. The vast majority of the population will never, ever use "AMD". They will constantly use "and". Imagine how annoying it would be if while swiping it regularly came up with AMD instead. or if you ended up calling someone a geek instead of Greek.

This is likely just a list of words that are rarely used by normal people and would be awkward/annoying if they accidentally popped up. I'm sure the more benign ones were an issue for testers. They are clearly blocked to improve usability of the keyboard/swiping.

Exactly what I was thinking. No one wants to accidentally put that extra "t" on "but" or to type "AMD" every time they say "and."

This story is trying to make something out of nothing.
Google's fat ass rednecks!
All those words are present in they search engine!
No good hypocrites!

Written with Google keyboard & now Swiping it of!
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