dalethepcman :
Once again android security blown out of proportion.
"The risk is when users install applications from third-party websites,"
This article is like having a title of "Researchers found a flaw in every apple device in the world, hackers rejoice." When the actual issue involves a usb drive physically connected to the machine.
If you want to keep your phone (and all the data it contains) safe, don't use third party app stores, don't directly download and install APK's.
Actually, it's a huge issue for everyone who doesn't use the Google Play store - Most of China and the rest of the world use third party Android stores... Saying this is blown out of proportion is apologizing for Google's huge mistake - Most of the planet doesn't use the Google Play store and unless they bought a Google or Samsung device, there is a snowballs chance in hell they are gonna get an update. Before you can utter "root" that is not an acceptable answer for 99.9% of the Android users who are not techy people... As a matter of pricipal, manufacturers and Google should provide free updates for security to protect their users. Google designed the OS in a flawed manner.
This issue illustrates the broken update system Google chose for Android - I bought a Google Nexus and I recommend Samsung devices for friends who want Android because they are supported.
Android is based on Linux that gets updates all the time. It runs on waaaay more hardware than all the Android handsets put together. Google chose a stupid way to design an OS (No separation of hardware drivers from core OS) and this is what happens. It would be like Dell saying your year old laptop is stuck on Vista and we'll decide when to give you an OS update or security fix... Oh you want an update, buy a new laptop... What, your year old Toyota has a faulty brake line, sorry no recall, you'll have to buy a new Toyota... If this situation was placed in any other customer support example it would be criminal.
FWIW, IOS 7 will work on the iPhone 4, which is now almost 4 years old. It may not have all the bells and whistles but it's more than any 4 year old Android device.
The sad thing is that even if Jelly Bean 4.2.2 has the flaw, it can run on most of your devices with dual core SOCs - which means almost any Android device thats 2-4 years old...
Lame beans and they need to fix this by fixing the core of the issue instead of issuing bandaids - Redesign the way the OS is built so manufacturers can build the drivers but the core OS gets updates regularly.
Google is far from stupid, they just don't want to take on the overhead of managing an OS, which leaves their users high and dry - If MS can do it and ALL the (free open sourced) Linux distributions can do it, the mighty all knowing Google should grow up and do it as well...
P.S. this is the primary reason Android is panned for most intelligence and security uses - there is no proper update system which is utterly unacceptable.